Girl Tried to Drown Herself But is Saved by Her ‘Fats’


Sometimes, a little extra weight can help. An overweight woman in China recently tried to drown herself by jumping into a river, but her size and weight prevented her from sinking.

Fishermen first spotted her floating around the busy waterways frequented by ships and large barges, and immediately called the local emergency services. At first, rescuers tried to use a lifesaving waist belt to drag her closer, but couldn’t put the belt on due to her size.

Fortunately, she didn’t seem to need it very much, as her additional “buoyancy” aided rescuers in locating her and eventually rescuing her.


She was apparently completely conscious throughout the whole ordeal, which must have been really awkward when she was dragged from the water and then subsequently sent to the hospital for observation.

A close friend of hers said he had no idea why she attempted suicide.

Maybe she was just going for a swim?

Hopefully she recovers and deals with whatever made her do something stupid like attempting to commit suicide. Life is worth living no matter what, and she’s extremely fortunate that a physical attribute commonly seen as detrimental to one’s health actually managed to save her life.

Thanks, irony.

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