Good News 90s Kids, A&W Is Making A Comeback This Year!

Ahhh, A&W. 90s kids will remember this fast food chain fondly. After all, it used to be the coolest place on earth to us. 

After all, where else can you eat on a real, rocking ship?


Let me tell you, nothing beats washing down a great meal than with a root beer float, no? And their twister fries, oh my God. 

And don’t get me started on their waffle ice-cream. 

I could go on all day. But I won’t because this isn’t a nostalgic article. It’s about the future.

A&W Finally Making a Comeback After 10 Years

For us Singaporeans, if we want to get a fix of A&W, you’ll have to make your way down to Bukit Indah, Aeon for the closest A&W outlet in Johor Bahru.

But this might change soon.

According to a report, A&W announced that it is growing for the first time in ten years in February 2017.

Believe it or not, A&W was around even longer than McDonald’s and KFC, at almost 98 years old.

Back in their golden days, they had 2,400 outlets but it has since shrunk to over 300 domestic stores (US) and 317 international outlets.

Back in 2002, A&W was bought over by Yum! Brands, which many said to have diluted the brand.

The company sold A&W back to a group of A&W franchisees in 2011.

A&W Underwent Stringent Quality Control

And it was then that the fast food chain when on a quality control binge. They started making root beer in-house again. A 1919 recipe, with no preservatives or shortcuts allowed in the process.

They’ve also started looking at the quality of products they offer and worked on getting fresh, quality food out for people. Like hand-breaded chicken tenders instead of frozen ones, etc.

In fact, they are now looking at the concept of cook to order. Which is awesome (but there’s going to be longer waiting time lah).

How many times have you wished your soggy twister fries were crispy hot? 

A&W To Open More International Stores in 2017

These decisions translated to an increase of 28% in sales for standalone A&W stores. This means that you’ll see more A&W stores opening for the first time in ten years if everything goes well. #FingersCrossed

In 2016, A&W opened 15 US and 21 international stores. 

Now here’s the good news: in 2017, the chain is expected to open another 20 A&W stores in the US, and another 25 internationally.

Now let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope one of these 25 international stores will be in Singapore.

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