Man in HK Caught for Murder As He Dragged His Victim’s Body on the Street With Her Feet Exposed

You might’ve seen a murderer trying to conceal a body on the streets in a movie, but you probably haven’t seen it in real life before.

Unfortunately, an incident like that just happened in Hong Kong yesterday (29 April) morning.

On 29 April morning, a 25-year-old man was arrested by local police after being spotted by passersby while he was pulling a board with wheels which covered his girlfriend’s body.

At around 6am, a few joggers who were jogging along Tin Ha Road in Tin Shui Wai passed by the man and noticed that there were a pair of legs sticking out from the board that he was trying to drag.

Thereafter, one of the passersby lodged a police report, prompting emergency responders to head down to the scene.

According to Hong Kong police, the man was stopped and arrested shortly after for murder.

He was then held for questioning, and was not immediately charged.

On the other hand, paramedics pronounced the woman, 30, dead at the scene.

“The head of the deceased was wrapped with cling film and her hands were bound with a nylon rope,” a police spokesperson explained.

It was also mentioned that surveillance footage from at least two security cameras indeed showed that the man had dragged the corpse of his girlfriend along the road.

At around 9am on the same day, the body was apparently still placed under a cover near the area where it was found at. The body was sent to the morgue at around 1pm that day.

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According to initial investigations, the suspect and the victim met as colleagues, and their relationship eventually progressed to lovers.

Based on reports by hk01, the suspect was extremely excited when he officially became a romantic partner with the victim, and even shared this blissful news with neighbours in the area.

Those in the area who knew the suspect also told hk01 that he was “not a bad person”, and did not appear to be violent at all.

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Featured Image: hk01