Hospital Will Now Have COVID-19 & Non-COVID-19 Patients in a Same Ward

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for.

Okay not really.

But we’ve somewhat expected this:

Hospitals Will No Longer Be Separating COVID-19 Patients and Non-COVID-19 Patients.

Before you start panicking, most of the population is already vaccinated and has strong protection against severe illnesses.

So the chances of getting sick just because of this won’t be that high.

Removing the separation will also help to reduce the influx of patients waiting at emergency departments for a bed.

Yes, there are people who actually have to wait for ages because of space constraints recently.

According to Health Minister Ong Ye Kung, public hospitals had blocked out 800 hospital beds for the COVID-19 XBB wave but only 80 per cent was used during peak periods. And roughly 300 were not being used on non-peak periods.

Removing the separation doesn’t mean we can relax yet though.

Hospitals will still be practicing measures to prevent the spread of diseases and pay close attention to those who are more vulnerable to infection.

“They have done so for many years for influenza, for all kinds of infectious diseases; they will apply the same measures now for Covid-19, but without setting aside entire wards,” said Mr Ong.

Lack Of Space in Emergency Departments

Due to the most recent COVID-19 wave, there was an influx of patients at public hospitals.

And even before COVID-19, beds were always hard to get so imagine the situation now.


Apparently, there was such a shortage of beds and space constraints and that it went all the way to the emergency departments.

Some ambulances couldn’t even unload because of how packed it was.

Emergency department doctors had to resort to treating patients whilst they were on the trolleys as they had to wait 15-30 minutes to find a space.

According to the Singapore Civil Defence Force, there has been a 32 per cent increase in calls in the first half of 2022 over the previous year, of which 93 per cent were real emergencies.

Hopefully, with the disappearance of the separation of COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients, there will be a shorter waiting time and more beds.

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Featured Image: Sengkang General Hospital