International Students Allegedly Continue to Cause Trouble at Serangoon HDB Void Deck, This Time by Vandalising the Wall

If there’s one thing we’ve been taught to do since young, it’s to not create a ruckus when we’re out in public.

But it seems like that hasn’t been the case for some students from an international school in Singapore, and it also seems like it isn’t the first time that their antics have been caught by other Singaporeans either.

On 13 June, Facebook user Henry Ng shared the following post on Facebook.

In the post, Ng attached photos of burnt paper and acts of vandalism that were allegedly conducted by students from the International French School (IFS).

According to Ng, his six-year-old daughter witnessed the students’ acts when she was playing at the void deck of Block 157 Serangoon North Avenue 1 yesterday (13 June) afternoon.

“The poor town council cleaner have to come and clean the burn paper and litters. Vandalising the void deck like their own home. It is a everyday affair,” Ng wrote.

Based on the photos that Ng took, the students drew images of handprints and the male anatomy on the walls at the void deck. They also wrote other words, with some phrases appearing to be social media account names.

Apart from that, various shreds of the burnt notes suggested that the notes were written in French.

In a photo featuring a cleaner sweeping up the burnt paper bits, parts of the wall also appeared to be burnt.

“Same thing when police came all run,” Ng added in his post, suggesting that the police were informed of the incident.

Ng told AsiaOne afterwards that will not let his daughter play at the void deck alone from now onwards, and called the students a bad influence on his daughter and other young children in the area.

Not the First Time Students Have Been Caught

And it isn’t the first time that students from IFS have been caught doing… questionable things in public.

Just a month ago on 13 May, Ng took to Facebook as well to reveal that students from IFS were boxing at the same void deck.

The police later explained that the students were sparring instead.

“Previously informed the school regarding them fighting, littering, smoking and vaping, climbing staircase roof top, vandalising the walls and even lying down on floor and kissing in public,” he wrote in his caption.

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At that time, IFS explained in a statement that it would investigate the issue.

On 6 June, Ng also posted a photo of male IFS students walking around the same area while topless.

“After that boxing incident, everyday still so many French student coming and making so much noise and residence complaining about the noise. Everyday after they come, so much litter below the block,” he wrote.

“Not sure if the school really did take any actions.”

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Featured Image: Facebook (Henry Ng)