Doctor Linked to Iris Koh Now Charged with a More Serious Offence That Could Mean 20 Years’ Imprisonment

Just a few hours ago, one of our other articles mentioned that Jipson Quah should become a familiar name to everyone after reading that article.

Well, call us fortune tellers, because there’s more news about him.

Cheating Charge Amended to Become More Severe

In an unprecedented turn of events, Quah, who was previously charged with abetment by conspiracy to cheat, the prosecution just amended his charge to one of fraud by false representation under Section 424A of the Penal Code today (25 January).

By now, we’re sure that everyone knows what happened with Quah and Iris Koh, the founder of Healing the Divide, an anti-vaccine group.

But here’s the thing: Quah has actually not been charged for conspiring with Koh yet.

Just to be clear, these charges are only for Quah falsifying vaccination records to the Ministry of Health (MOH).

He had tricked MOH into believing that various Singaporeans were vaccinated against COVID-19 with the Sinopharm vaccine in order for them to obtain a certificate of vaccination.

Four of the clinics that Quah managed, and/or worked in, were suspended by MOH last Sunday. Their ART approvals have also been revoked by the ministry.

Currently, one of those whose records were forged, a woman named Mehrajunnisha, has been identified. However, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Samuel Yap mentioned in court on Tuesday that preliminary investigations suggest that there are other patients involved.

Unlike before, Quah is not eligible for bail now. His lawyer’s appeal for bail was rejected.

What Next?

With the steep rise in Omicron variant cases, it has never been more important to ensure that Singaporeans are kept safe, and that vaccination records are being handled properly.

DPP Yap echoed this sentiment, saying “The outcome of the offending conduct is that there may be persons walking around with vaccinated statuses but have not received vaccinations. These people will be allowed to enjoy vaccination-differentiated measures and pose a risk to Singaporeans at this time.”

Quah’s next hearing is scheduled for 31 January, although District Judge Terence Tay did also specify that the hearing should be shifted forward should investigations conclude earlier.

This is largely due to the urgency of the matter and the implementation of vaccination-differentiation measures, with “a risk of serious and more widespread health consequences” if this case is not settled as quickly as possible, as mentioned by District Judge Tay.

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With the new charge of fraud by false representation, Quah can be jailed for up to 20 years, as opposed to the three years from his previous charge of cheating.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Jipson Quah)