Johor Police Investigating Officer Who’s Accused of Grabbing Money from S’pore Couple

Certain unfortunate situations in Johor Bahru (JB) tend to happen every now and then but people do not see it as a big issue that stops them from heading in.

However, a couple’s trip to JB was interrupted when a traffic police officer stopped them near the checkpoint and allegedly demanded that the two pay a “fine”.

Here’s what happened.

Allegedly Beat Red Light Twice

While on the way home in JB, a couple from Singapore was stopped by a Malaysian traffic police officer.

According to Shin Min Daily News, the husband initially thought that it was just a routine check conducted by the Malaysia Traffic Police. Hence, he surrendered his passport and license to the officer.

When asked for an explanation by the couple, the officer told them that they had beaten the red light and that it was a payable offence.

Questions were apparently also asked by the officer. However, one question that the couples found strange was when the officer asked if they were familiar with the roads in JB, to which they replied that they were not and relied on the Global Positioning System (GPS) to navigate the streets.

Upon hearing the couple’s answer, the officer told them that they apparently had beaten the red light twice at an intersection.

Feelings shocked, the wife told the officer that her husband is a cautious driver and becomes even more cautious when driving on the roads of Malaysia, implying that there was no way that her husband would have broken any traffic rules.

Asked to Pay a Fine

In hopes of resolving the issue, the couple followed the instructions of the officer to pull up at a nearby underpass.

Upon reaching, the officer requested for the husband to step out of the vehicle, which he complied with.

The officer then demanded for a payment of RM 500 (S$153) as a fine for beating the red light twice.

However, the husband only had RM200 on him at that moment, which he gave to the officer.

If this does not sound outrageous enough, the police officer went on to grab the husband’s wallet and took out two Singapore fifty-dollar notes.

After reaching back home, the wife, who was still in shock over the incident, took to social media to share about the incident.

Quoting Shin Min Daily News, the wife, who is a relatively frequent visitor of Malaysia, is now scared of returning for a visit after what had happened to them.

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Officer Transferred

According to a statement by the Johor State Police to Shin Min Daily News, the Johor state police chief said that they have figured out who the officer involved in the incident was and have transferred him to another department that requires no contact with the public.

They also mentioned that they will investigate the issue and will take action against the officer in question.

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Featured Image: Simply Enjoy Johor