Kate Pang Responds After Melissa Faith Yeo’s Accusations About Her Husband, Andie Chen

Melissa Faith Yeo suddenly decided to rehash some drama from 11 years ago, and Kate Pang has responded with the sweetest Instagram post.

Here’s what went down.

Accused Andie Chen of “Needing Clout

Melissa posted a TikTok video on 30 May, with the headline “spilling the tea on the media industry in Singapore”.

She talked about what happened after she broke up with a local actor in late 2011, stating that both parties decided not to talk about their relationship.

Yes, she’s talking about a relationship that ended more than a decade ago.

However, she said that the actor didn’t uphold his end of the bargain, and in 2012 decided “he needed the clout”.

“He needed the pity votes for Star Awards because he was nominated for Best Actor, so he decided to talk about our break-up and acted like the victim, and alluded to the press that I cheated on him,” alleged Melissa in the video.

She then added that she was slut-shamed due to that actor’s claims, and said that he did it knowing that Melissa is ëasily misunderstood and villainised”. She was allegedly even stopped from attending a public event because of this scandal.

You can watch her TikTok video here. She didn’t mention any names, but netizens deduced that she was talking about Andie Chen.

In 2012, Andie told the media that he and Melissa broke up over “character differences”, but said that they ended their relationship on good terms. So it seems like character differences equate to cheating?

Kate Pang Responds, Calls Andie A Good Husband

One day after Melissa’s video, Andie’s wife Kate Pang dedicated an Instagram post to him.

In her caption, Kate describes Andie as the person who is the “most cultured” in their family.

She then talks about how every time Andie is misunderstood by others, while Kate starts getting angry, he would always tell her to forget it and ignore the naysayers.

Yep, there’s the indirect dig at Melissa.

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She then shares how Andie is actually a very soft-hearted man who cries first when they argue, and a good husband that will always comfort his wife no matter how tired or busy he is.

The sweetest part? She shared how Andie and her two kids will thank her every day for cooking dinner, constantly allowing her to feel like she is valued.

Kate ends off by thanking Andie’s parents for bringing him up so well, and thanking Andie for always working hard, being a good role model for their children and always making her feel happy.

She added a few hashtags after her caption, cheering her husband on and calling him the best dad. Aww.

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Featured Image: TikTok (Melissa Faith Yeo), Instagram (Kate Pang)