Man buys $80K Car with Coins and Small Notes Because No One Wants His Money

Okay, we’ve all heard stories of how some nasty customers buy expensive stuff with coins just to prove something: but it’s uncommon for someone to pay for a car with coins because no one else wants his money.

Over in northern China, a man decided to buy a new car, a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, worth 400,000 yuan with coins and small notes.

Image: CarAdvice
Image: CarAdvice

According to this report, the man runs a flour shop and has received the coins from his customers. Apparently, he had tried to buy the car from other dealers but was rejected.

Well, it’s a first that someone is paying for a car with coins (and with no malice intention) and it’s a first that dealers are rejecting someone who is paying in full for a car.

His attempts to change the coins and small notes into bigger notes in banks were also rejected. It’s unknown whether he had tried to deposit the coins into his bank account (which should work, right?).

The car dealer had four staff to count the money for twelve hours.


And here’s the funny thing: as the buyer was driving to the car dealer with his stacks of money, his tyre allegedly punctured due to the heavy load. Guess this could be the reason why he’s looking to buy a new car?

After all, that Toyota Land Cruiser Prado looks sturdy—it should be able to carry 400,000 yuan in coins.

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This article was first published on

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