There Was a Third Violent Incident on Monday Whereby a Man Threw a Knife at a Cop

By now, you would have heard of the sword slasher at Buangkok and the razor blade attacker at Queenstown. Now, prepare for the knife thrower at Bukit Batok.

Yes, that’s right. On Monday, there were not one, not two, but three incidents of violence that occurred across the island.

Third Violent Incident

In the third incident, a 27-year-old man allegedly threw a knife at the police when they confronted him at Bukit Batok.

The police said they received a call at about 9.10pm on Monday evening, three hours after the razor blade incident, requesting assistance.

The man was allegedly armed with a knife and was shouting and looking for someone at Bukit Batok West Avenue 8.

When officers responded, the man then pulled out a knife from under his T-shirt and threw it at an officer.

The knife hit the officer’s right cheek.

Knives Seized from his Home

The man was then arrested and the knife seized, along with five other knives found at his home when police raided the place.

Photos of the knives that were seized showed the handles of the blades wrapped in black tape.

According to the police, preliminary investigations do not suggest the incident to be an act of terror.

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Charged in Court

Similar to the other two violent incidents, the man will be charged on Wednesday (16 March) for voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from his duty and for possession of an offensive weapon.

“The police have zero tolerance towards such acts of violence against public servants who are carrying out their duties and will not hesitate to take action against those who blatantly disregard the law,” the police said.

Those convicted of voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from his duty may be jailed for up to seven years and fined and caned.

Those convicted of possession of an offensive weapon in public may be jailed for up to three years and caned.

While the police have stated that the violent incidents are not related to each other, it is almost incredulous to think that three acts of using blades could happen on the same day.

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Featured Image: SPF