65YO Man Arrested Over Attempted Murder of 37YO Man in Marsiling

On Wednesday (28 December), a 65-year-old man apparently tried to murder a 37-year-old man.

And no, this didn’t happen in Yishun.

The incident occurred at Marsiling Cresent on Wednesday (28 December) night, and the suspect has since been arrested.

He has also been recently identified as Tay Kheng Hock.

Here’s what happened.

What Happened

According to the police, they were alerted to the case around 10.10 pm that night after receiving a call asking for assistance.

Similarly, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was informed of the case at around the same time.

After that, both the police and SCDF reached the scene, which was at Block 210 Marsiling Cresent.

It was also mentioned that the victim had burn wounds on his body when found by the police and SCDF.

The police added that the victim was sent to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital while conscious.

As for Tay, he was immediately arrested at the scene.

It was later revealed that he had poured accelerant on the victim’s body and attempted to kill him by using a lighter to set him alight.

Will be Charged in Court Today

Today (30 December), Tay will be charged in court with attempted murder under Section 307 of the Penal Code 1871.

If the younger man had succumbed to his injuries, Tay would have been charged with murder instead.

Individuals convicted of attempted murder and hurt may either be jailed for life and caned, be imprisoned for a maximum of 20 years with a fine and caning, or both.

However, here’s the catch. Even if he is found guilty, Tay will not be caned as he is over the age of 50.

Police investigations are currently ongoing.

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Previously, another attempted murder in Marsiling happened in November last year after a Malaysian man tried to stab his estranged daughter to death at a bus stop in the area.

He had done so as he felt that his daughter was “unfilial” towards him due to money-related conflicts within the family.

The man, who was 65 at the time of the offence, pleaded guilty to attempted murder in the High Court and was sentenced to 15 years in jail.

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