McDonald’s Malaysia Has Durian McFlurry; We Lose Liao Lor

When McDonald’s Singapore created the indomitable Nasi Lemak burger, Malaysians were understandably enraged.

Their own McDonald’s did not offer it.

Well, it looks like it’s our turn now.

For McDonald’s Malaysia arguably one-upped us by introducing the Durian McFlurry.

Image: McDonald’s Facebook Page
Image: McDonald’s Facebook Page

If you’ve missed it, the Facebook post actually garnered over whopping 14k likes and reactions, as well as 2.5k shares.

Guess Malaysians are really hyped about the Durian McFlurry huh?

But who can blame them? Just look at this baby!

Image: Big Eater Facebook Page
Image: Big Eater Facebook Page

The Durian McFlurry might have been scheduled to be released on August 24 but some outlets in Malaysia were already serving this holy goodness!

According to Facebook Page Big Eater, Sarawak Sibu Parkson Mall had been dishing the Durian McFlurry out as early as August 22!

Image: Big Eater Facebook Page
Image: Big Eater Facebook Page

And there’s apparently a durian soft serve available too!

Image: Big Eater Facebook Page

According to Malaysian website World of Buzz, the durian McFlurry costs around RM 7.99.

When converted to SGD it would be around SGD$2.66, if we take the 3:1 conversion rate into account.

That’s pretty reasonable for a McFlurry that contains the King of Fruits itself, don’t you think?

McDonald’s Singapore, better up your game! Either bring in the Durian McFlurry…

Or bring back the Nasi Lemak burger.


Image: Yahoo News

Or you could always upgrade the Double McSpicy to another level – the triple McSpicy.

I don’t think anyone would disagree with that one!

Except maybe the toilets?


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Feature Image: McDonald’s Facebook Page / Big Eater Facebook Page

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