Nicole Seah Has Given Birth to Baby Girl & is ‘Closing Factory’ Now

After the speculation in January that Workers’ Party member Nicole Seah was pregnant, the cat—or should we say baby—is finally out of the bag.

Gave Birth to Second Daughter

On Thursday (14 Apr), Seah announced the birth of her second child on Facebook and Instagram.

In both posts, she said that she had given birth to a daughter, who she referred to as “baby N”.

Since giving birth to her daughter, the 35-year-old politician shared that it has been “a flurry of night feeds and diaper changes whilst recovering”.

In fact, the mother-of-two has been so caught up in taking care of her newborn that she lost track of time.

“Today my husband casually remarked that it’s the eve of a public holiday and I mistakenly thought it was still Tuesday! Guess it will take a while before everything settles down and returns to regular programming,” she wrote.

Familiar But New

Seah also shared that everything feels familiar but new at the same time.

Additionally, she found it adorable that her elder daughter has been actively helping in the process, burping her baby sister and even telling her mother to consume more vegetables so that she can produce more milk.

Previously in March, Seah shared in an Instagram post that big changes were about to come and that she hopes to “love both children fairly”.

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Not Having More Children

It seems that Seah and her husband are not planning on having any more children.

“Being second time (and last time) parents has also allowed us to better appreciate the milestones and moments, knowing it will be the last time and we are “closing factory” after this,” she wrote.

Seah also thanked everyone for their well wishes over the past few months and the advice she had received on parenting two children.

“Our hearts have expanded and we’re so looking forward to watch both sisters grow up together,” she wrote in a final statement.

Within an hour of posting the announcement, Seah received over 300 comments congratulating her.

Congratulations to the couple and we wish their family a happy life together ahead!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Nicole Seah) + Instagram (