Now, People Are Breaking Bike-sharing Locks to Ride for Free

Okay lah, what’s new.

From people throwing their bikes off an HDB flat to those giving bikes as offerings to the Long Kang god, we should have seen everything by now.

On the night of 9 Dec, a video was posted on Facebook and has been circulating online ever since. In the video, two boys were seen damaging the locks on the ofo bikes below an HDB flat. After damaging the locks, the boys cycled away on the bicycles.

One of the boys could be seen hammering the lock of one of the bicycles with a hammer-like object.

Take a look at the video here:

Free bikes also kena abused..these are the culprits 😡" Credit: Anonymous

Posted by Sg-share together on Friday, 8 December 2017

From the way the boys are treating the bikes, I’m wondering if that’s how they’ll treat their wives in the future.

Geez, I can’t help but think that their parents aren’t doing a great job raising the kids either.


A spokesperson from ofo said: “In cases such as these, we will not hesitate to work with the authorities to ensure that our users enjoy and benefit from our bike-sharing service”

The spokesperson also said that such incidents happen to less than 1% of its bikes in Singapore.

ofo said that they are working with government agencies to increase the number of designated parking lots for the bikes and to introduce a reward system to encourage good user behaviour.

ofo also urges the public to report any incidents of bike abuse via their facebook page.

If found guilty of mischief, adults could be jailed up to a year and/or fined.

I wonder what will happen to these boys once they’ve been identified. Let’s hope they get the punishment they deserved and learn not to vandalize.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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