Couple Who Threw oBikes into Canal Voluntarily Surrendered to Police

Remember this article here? The one where a couple was caught giving oBikes as offerings for their Long Kang god?

Yeah, those bloody idiots.

As it turns out, the couple has turned themselves in on 24 Nov at Bukit Merah East Neighbourhood Police Centre.

A 37 year old man and a 36 year old woman are currently assisting in investigations. If found guilty, the couple can be jailed for up to a year and/or fined (Payment for the offerings, heheh).


Huh, and here I am, expecting more drama like that of the Maserati incident.

Anyway, perhaps the police report filed by oBike accelerated the process.

“It is evident that the perpetrators have damaged our bikes maliciously and we strongly condemn their behaviour,” said Mr Edward Chen, co-founder and chief marketing officer of oBike.

This was not the first case of oBike vandalism. oBike has lodged a total of 5 police reports since April this year.

Bike sharing is a really cool concept. I’m sure most of you would agree with me (Maybe not for the believers of the Long Kang god). In fact, bike sharing could very well be the first step towards advanced sharing services.

I’m talking about motorbike sharing and even car sharing. If people can be trusted to handle bicycles properly, we are not too far from this dream.

Well, but you know what they say.

All it takes is one idiot to screw things up. In this case, two.


(Hey, at least Lloyd and Harry aren’t bad people)

I’m sure not everyone is like them. Otherwise, Long Kang god will become an official religion in Singapore. (Bless the drains, tolong tolong)

However, this still doesn’t reflect well on us as a whole.

From people throwing down bikes from HDB flats to another firm believer of the Long Kang god, well, I’m pretty certain we’re surrounded by idiots at this point.


For us normal humans out there, let’s work together to build a civilized Singapore.

In other words, if you see idiots doing stupid things, take video and report to police please. If anything, this method proved itself to be really effective, no?

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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