NZ Police Created a Super Hilarious Recruitment Video & It Has Gone Super Viral

Oh boy, New Zealand has done it again.

Remember this safety video from 4 years ago? For fans of J. R. R. Tolkien’s works, it was a beautiful memory.

It is no doubt a safety video I would gladly show my friends. Now, can you say that about other safety videos?

No? Well, my friends, that’s exactly why it’s beautifully done.


Just when I thought nothing will ever come close to it, my editor decided to send me a link this morning.

Together with the video was a message, with something along the lines of “Hey man, you should take a look at this recruitment video”.

Wait. Why is my editor sending me a recruitment video?


(Unemployment, here I come?)

Turns out, he simply wanted me to write an article about the video.

And it’s another beautifully made video.

However, I don’t think I’ll be able to do the video justice with my words alone.

So, take a look for yourselves.

NZ Police’s most entertaining recruitment video, yet!

Freeze! NZ Police’s most entertaining recruitment video, yet!Take the first step and visit

Posted by NZ Police Recruitment on Saturday, 25 November 2017

Posted by NZ Police Recruitment Facebook page, the video has garnered 3.4 million views as of today.

Initially, I thought that it would just be another generic recruitment video.

You know, solemn music, professional outfits and handsome/beautiful people. The standard stuff.

Then, just 10 seconds into the video, I was greeted with this scene.

Image: NZ Police Recruitment Facebook

Oh boy, this is going to be one of those videos, eh?

Jam packed with light-hearted humor, the video is something I wouldn’t mind watching over and over again.

I mean, just look at this.

Image: NZ Police Recruitment Facebook

Why is there a man dancing in the middle of the road while a police officer is helping an old man cross said road?

Honestly, I have no idea. But it made me giggle and I thought that was the whole point.

It’s funny and memorable. It’s something you wouldn’t mind sharing on Facebook.

As such, if you have yet to watch the video (data concerns, maybe?), please go take a look. I swear it’s worth every byte of your data. (Remember to stay for the bloopers at the end!)

And do you know what else is worth watching?

The videos produced by goodyfeed lah. #shamelesspromotion

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured Image: NZ Police Recruitment Facebook