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Netflix Co-CEO: Squid Game Going to be Netflix’s Biggest Show Ever

Remember the hysteria that followed the launch of the first season of Game of Thrones back in 2011? Well, something similar is happening with Netflix's...

Netflix & Person Whose Phone Number is Used in Squid Game Are Now In...

So lest you're unaware, Squid Game's all the rage right now. Essentially a survival-themed series with a lot more genres than the norm, Squid Game...

You Might See Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Netflix Soon

Anyone who had a childhood would remember the great Roald Dahl classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Wonka Chocolate Bar? The Golden Tickets? Ring...

Netflix to Add Video Games About Its Shows With No Extra Charge to Subscribers

Netflix has been everyone's go to for movies and binge watching of television series. Now, it's going to be adding more video games to its...

Everything About Dynasty Warriors, The Movie That’s Trending in Netflix Now

If you’ve been on Netflix lately, you’ve probably caught a glimpse or two of Dynasty Warriors, a 2021 historical fantasy-action film.  But if you don’t...

10 Must-Watch Shows on Netflix This Coming June

Come on, folks. It’s work-from-home season again. And home-based learning season. If you would rather be on Netflix than on Zoom (in a hypothetical scenario...

Netflix Now Has a New Feature That Helps You Choose What to Watch

Spoilt for choice when perusing the ever-expansive Netflix library? Well, you can now let the movie streaming service do it for you. Apparently, Netflix now has a...

Fake Free Netflix Premium Promotion Messages Spread on Whatsapp Due to a Fake App

Much like our lungs, having a Netflix Singapore account these days is essential for survival. With a small monthly fee and access to thousands of...

Netflix Took Down 2 Shows From Its S’pore Platform After IMDA Issued Written Takedown...

As we all know, the three toughest things to do in life these days are: Meeting the 'one' Determining the right career path Choosing...

10 Facts About Sisyphus: The Myth, the Korean Sci-Fi Drama That’s Streaming in Netflix...

Fans of science fiction, time travel and mystery, prepare to have your socks blown off by the riveting K-drama that’s been trending at number...