Here Are Some Videos / Images of People Cheering on the Causeway Jam That People Used to Hate

If there’s something that we all cheered for yesterday night, it’s the traffic jam along the causeway between Malaysia and Singapore.

And no, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke.

After two long years since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the land borders between both countries were finally reopened at midnight today (1 April), allowing vaccinated travellers to travel freely between Malaysia and Singapore without needing to serve quarantine.

Of course, this meant good news for Singaporeans who’ve been itching to go on shopping sprees across the border, but even better news for those who haven’t been able to reunite with their families for the past two years.

And of course, even the act of borders reopening was one that warranted much celebration, given that the COVID-19 situation has been so volatile across the whole globe.

And boy was there a celebration.

In this Facebook video shared by Johor My Hometown 我来自柔佛, the cheers and excitement from motorcyclists waiting to cross the border were evident despite how late and dark it was, which really just goes to show that nothing beats going home.

There were even fireworks captured near the end of the video, which of course raised the emotions of many to a maximum.

In the comments section, many Malaysians welcomed their countrymen back, stating that it was an incredibly touching sight. They gave their blessings to those travelling back from Singapore, and also reminded them to be mindful of their personal hygiene when they reached home so that they would not infect others unknowingly.

Image: Facebook (Chia Boon Huah)

Even though the borders were clearly crammed and jammed up, it definitely did not stop the exhilaration that everyone crossing the borders felt.

According to CNA, many motorists also stopped to take snapshots of the view and the causeway, possibly for memory’s sake.

Similarly, those who were waiting to enter Malaysia via bus were unable to hide their joy as well. The buses often come in 15-minute intervals, which means that everyone will be able to get their turn to cross the causeway!

Image: Facebook (Chia Boon Huah)

Even though they may not have been able to make as much noise, it’s clear that everyone who crossed the border yesterday was just glad that they were able to make it across the causeway.

This might be the only time you see people so delighted that there’s a jam along the causeway, so cherish this moment, eh?

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And of course, apart from those who travelled into Malaysia via vehicles, there were also eager individuals who crossed the causeway by foot.

@banharsolves Singapore – Malaysia Border Reopens 1 April 2022 after two years #balikkampung #pandemictravel ♬ Balik Kampung (Sudirman Concert) – Siti Nurhaliza

And as you can see through this video, there was clearly no holding back for them, for many of them literally ran right across the causeway enthusiastically, even if they were on the road.

With regards to the traffic situation, the causeway was almost completely empty at 6 am today according to CNA, but vehicles started to drive through again after 7 am.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Chia Boon Huah)