Family Claims Town Council Disposed of Lost Pet Dog’s Body in Trash Compactor

To pet owners, pets aren’t just animals. They are family and the most important thing in their owners’ lives.

And whether it’s in life or death, owners will ensure their pets get the best they deserve.

Unfortunately, for a family, they were not even granted the opportunity to let their dog rest in peace.

Shih Tzu Passes Away at Void Deck

On 26 May, an owner of a Shih Tzu made a post on Facebook, detailing the ordeal he and his family faced.

According to the post, his family’s pet dog Cindy went missing on the morning of 25 May.

She was later allegedly found by members of the public at the void deck of Block 214 Lorong 8 Toa Payoh, having passed away due to an incident.

However, the owner and his family were at work and only got to know of the news upon their return in the evening. They promptly searched for Cindy and her collar, handing out flyers as well.

Later, they received a call along with a picture confirming it was indeed Cindy who had been at the void deck earlier.

Body Taken Away and Disposed

The Essential Maintenance Service Unit later informed the family that the Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council had taken away Cindy’s body. However, they did not disclose where she had been transported.

Only on the next day, were the horrors of her fate revealed to the family.

After calling the town council for more information on Cindy’s location, they were told that the Shih Tzu’s body had been disposed of the day before in a trash compactor as no one had come forth to claim her.

No Effort to Contact Owners

However, her owner pointed out that Cindy’s collar had her name, licence, his father’s name and contact details.

Furthermore, Cindy was microchipped.

“With no calls, indications or signs where to retrieve her, a 6 hour window period was all it took for a town council officer to decide that a trash compactor was [the] right place to dispose our dog,” wrote Cindy’s owner.

He added that no efforts were made to check the collar as it was still left at the same spot at 7pm.

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Owner Demands Accountability

The owner’s sister and mother managed to find the cleaner, town council officer and supervisor of the trash disposal area nearby who were responsible for the incident.

Unfortunately, they were still unable to retrieve the body.

In light of the ordeal, the owner sought accountability from the town council by filing a complaint with AVS.

“My family and I demand some answers on why did this happen. This is no way to treat our pets, even if they have passed,” he wrote indignantly.

SPCA & Town Council Reach Out

Since then, both the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and the Bishan-Toa Payoh Town Council have reached out to the family.

SPCA offered to push for a change in protocols to ensure such incidents never occur again.

The general manager of the town council also organised a meeting with the owner and his parents to provide reassurance.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Arthur Andre Resurreccion Pandaan)