Prices of Vegetables in Singapore Are Increasing Due to Heavy Rain in Malaysia

First, we had a chicken shortage, and now, a vegetable shortage.

One can only wonder if we’d be seeing another export ban.

Prices of Vegetables in Singapore Are Increasing Due to Heavy Rain in Malaysia

It’s currently rainy season in Malaysia and Singapore is not benefitting much from it.

Due to the heavy rains, the price of vegetable imports from Malaysia has been increasing by 10 per cent to 30 per cent.

If you haven’t noticed it yet, you will soon.

The heavy rain has caused the vegetables to arrive in a slightly less “prettier” condition and tends to turn bad more easily.

According to the Malaysian meteorological department, the rain could last till February 2023 due to the annual northeast monsoon.

This has affected crop-producing areas in Melaka and the Cameron Highlands, and vegetable markets such as in Kuala Lumpur, according to CNA.

The overall supply of vegetables has also dipped by around 20 to 30 per cent, according to the president of the Malaysian wholesaler vegetable association.

What are Sellers Doing?

Popular greens like Kang Kong now costs around $3.50 to $4 per kg, instead of the usual $2.50 per kg.

To combat the drop in profits, sellers have started to import lower quantities.

For example, Lee, a stallholder at Redhill Market, told CNA that she was only getting 2-3kgs of vegetables daily instead of her usual 4-5kgs.

Some vendors are also looking into imports from other countries like Vietnam.

Red chillies from Vietnam are much cheaper and a good alternative however, according to some, these chillies are not as spicy as Malaysian chillies.

One seller is also holding promotions and bundles for his store to attract more customers.

It is hard to expect when the prices will go down due to the unpredictable season. It’s best to buckle up and get ready for higher prices…or maybe, another export ban?

Chicken Export Ban from Malaysia

Just a few months ago, we also encountered another shortage of imports from Malaysia.

For chickens.

The chicken export ban which began on 1 June 2022 pushed many Singapore citizens into a frenzy and people even started hoarding the meat.

You can watch this video to know more:

The main purpose of the chicken ban was to stabilise the domestic prices and supply of chicken within Malaysia, which was initially prompted by complaints from Malaysian citizens.

Malaysian customers have been complaining about the rising chicken prices, such that some retailers are even resorting to rationing their sales.

Thankfully, it seems like the situation is currently better and supplies of chicken are still available at grocery stores.

Also, Malaysia is going to resume export of chicken from October, but…who cares, right?

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Featured Image: Makhh /