Mooncake Salesman Offered to Carry Mooncake to Car in Next Building, Not Knowing That The Customer is an Actress

Nothing bad comes out of being a good Samaritan. One might even get lucky and meet a celebrity.

Eighteen-year-old, Li Di Shen, actually met a veteran actress, Huang Biren, without his knowledge and helped her carry mooncakes from one building to another out of sheer goodwill.

How It Happened

Huang was out shopping for mooncakes alone on Tuesday (6 September). She had initially finished her hunt when she came across another stall with more flavours.

This was where she met Li who was working part-time at Parkroyal Collection selling mooncakes for Peach Blossoms.

Li politely assisted Huang and recommended flavours for her. According to Huang, she was extremely tempted to buy more mooncakes but decided not to as she was alone and would not be able to carry them.

Then, Li offered to help Huang carry the boxes. The actress hesitated and mentioned that her car was located in another building, which would mean a long walk.

Instead of withdrawing his offer, Li said that it was not a problem at all.

So, she bought more mooncakes and Li fulfilled his promise and delivered the goods to her car, safe and sound.

Huang was very impressed that she dedicated an Instagram post for the 18-year-old, thanking him and praising his honest and hardworking attitude.

Singapore Radio Host, Kun Hua, commented on her post saying that the teenager probably knew that she was a celebrity thus the extra service.

But Huang denied it and mentioned that Li did not seem like he know who she was initially.

Image: Instagram (huangbiren)

Another netizen noticed that the young worker was the same worker who assisted her when she was shopping as well.

Image: Instagram (huangbiren)

We can expect the sales of Peach Blossoms to be blooming now. Thanks to the kind-hearted 18-year-old.

Huang Biren had Decades of Experience in Film and Television

Lest you’re not aware, Huang began her career in 1988—way before the mooncake salesman was born. She debuted on television under the series, Patrol as Helen.

She is best known for appearing on Mediacorp’s Channel 8 television series and worked as a full-time artiste under Mediacorp for 20 years from 1988 to 2008.

That doesn’t mean that she’s retired though.

The 53-year-old actress is still acting on an ad-hoc basis. Her most recent gig was in Your World in Mine (2022) as Li Jiayun.

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Featured Image: Instagram (huangbiren)