Rui En Now Focusing Full-Time as a Content Creator on Instagram

Like a phoenix, Rui En rises from the ashes of a disastrous year to begin anew.

The 41-year-old is now officially focusing full-time on being a content creator for Instagram, after parting ways with her long-time agency last year.

In case you’re wondering how content creators earn money, watch this video to the end then:

Here’s what Rui En is doing right now to live her best life.

2021 Was A Turning Point

In an interview with The Straits Times, Rui En described 2021 as the year that broke her.

She had to process the sudden loss of her favourite cat, which she still grieves for today. She also had to worry about her father’s multiple heart attacks and open-heart surgery.

A tumultuous year had thrown her emotions into a frenzy. However, being surrounded by female mentors had inspired her and helped her to rise from the ashes.

Being more self-aware and using writing as a form of therapy to deal with her emotions had also been instrumental as coping mechanisms.

Of course, nobody wants bad things to happen to them But as a creature of habit, it was precisely those things that helped her to change her mindset and get to where she is today.

Rui En acknowledged that she’ll never reach a point where her life is perfect, and she’s still discovering areas she needs to work on.

She describes this journey of growth as a life-long process.

Instagram Allows Her To Explore New Things

Did you know that Rui En only started her personal Instagram account in late August 2021?

Before she started her Instagram account, everyone could only hear from her through reporters or her fan club. Now, she’s bypassing all the third parties and controlling her own narrative.

Rui En shared that starting her account has opened up her career and that she’s enjoying creating content.

Working with collaborators younger than her has pushed her out of her comfort zone. She has done IGTV series with celebrity guests like Chantalle Ng, Dennis Chew and Desmond Tan.

She also held her first Instagram live stream with YSL Beauty last month. But most importantly, she started a new solo IGTV series “Rui En Learns”, where she explores new things.

For instance, in episode one, she learnt drumming, which was something she had always wanted to do. It proved to be a hit and surpassed her previous series, accumulating nearly 62,000 views.

A Platform To Control The Narrative

But Instagram didn’t just push her career-wise. It has also enabled her to grow as a person.

She has found her voice through Instagram, which she treats as a safe space for her vulnerable side and sharing her private thoughts. Her posts range from topics like loneliness and self-worth to mental health issues.

By having Instagram as a platform to reveal who she really is, without all of the media’s prejudices, she is feeling more empowered than ever.

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Thawing of the Ice Queen

Since all of us are kaypoh, Rui En also shared some thoughts about her love life. And it turns out that she’s single and very ready to mingle.

She joked that many people find her intimidating, and asked potential partners to not be intimidated by her.

It’s no surprise that she may be intimidating. After all, she once had the reputation of being an ice queen that was very private.

But now, when you look at her having fun and being the epitome of sunshine in her videos, you’ll wonder why she ever had the label of Ice Queen. Mediacorp, clients, collaborators and the media can even reach out to the self-managed artiste directly via her work email address.

But of course, it took a lot to thaw the ice surrounding her. She shared that once she experienced a lot of pain and darkness, she now holds on to joy a lot tighter. Even laughing over a TikTok is considered immeasurably precious to her now.

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Featured Image: Instagram (Rui En)