Why Salt Bae is Slammed for Touching the World Cup Trophy

Remember Salt Bae?

Yes, the face of one the biggest memes in 2017.

You’re not going to believe this: Salt Bae managed to touch the World Cup trophy, and he’s currently being slammed for it.

Here’s what you need to know.

Salt Bae Slammed for Touching the World Cup Trophy

Salt Bae, whose actual name is Nusret Gökçe, is again in the public eye, but this time not for a meme of him pouring salt over a steak.

Instead, football fans worldwide currently have him in their crosshairs for touching and holding the World Cup trophy.


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Riddle me this: does Salt Bae look like a member of the winning Argentinian team, a FIFA official or a world leader?

The answer’s pretty straightforward. He doesn’t, and he isn’t.

Only a select group can touch the trophy, and Salt Bae isn’t part of that group. Yet, the Turkish chef had his hands all over the solid gold trophy in contravention of FIFA’s rules.

Even worse, while people usually hide the body after a crime, Salt Bae has been parading it all over his social media.

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On his Instagram account, the star shared multiple posts of him touching and holding the World Cup trophy. He even managed to snag a few pictures and videos with players on the Argentinian team.

For one, he shared an Instagram post of him beside the Argentinian player Angel Di Maria.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

In the video, the two hold the World Cup trophy together. Di Maria then shows Salt Bae a thumbs up, to which Salt Bae’s reaction was to slap the trophy, smile at the camera and walk away.

We’re not 100% sure, but we’re pretty sure Di Maria found that ridiculous as well.

Salt Bae Reportedly Grabbed Messi Repeatedly

Aside from holding the trophy in contravention of FIFA’s rules, the Turkish chef apparently tried repeatedly to grab the man of the hour, Lionel Messi.

Footage of Salt Bae doing so is making its rounds on social media.

@thesportingnews Messi really gave Salt Bae the cold shoulder after winning the World Cup 😂 #messi #worldcup #saltbae #argentina ♬ original sound – The Sporting News

Eventually, Salt Bae still managed to have Messi pose for a photo with him. As you would have guessed by now, Salt Bae posted that picture too.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

From holding the World Cup trophy to holding the hand of Lionel Messi, Salt Bae sure managed to get his hands on several great things that night. It’s going to be tough to revert to merely touching salt and steak again the next day.

The chef was also slammed for hijacking the Argentinian team’s celebrations on the pitch, as it’s unclear who even let him onto the pitch in the first place.

Netizens’ Responses to The Salt Bae-World Cup Saga

Football fans worldwide haven’t taken well to Salt Bae’s behaviour on the pitch.

Many criticised him for going onto the pitch and touching the World Cup trophy.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

I guess you could say that people are salty about Salt Bae’s behaviour.

One comment, which received more than a thousand likes, vehemently defended the sanctity of the World Cup trophy.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

Some questioned his facial expressions in the photos and videos, while others also remarked that Salt Bae was being cringy.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

Netizens slammed the chef for his photo with Messi as well.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

Another comment joked about how Salt Bae probably photoshopped the frown on Messi’s face into something resembling a smile.

Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)

All we can say is that while Rihanna might have gotten away with touching the World Cup trophy in 2014, Salt Bae might not get away with doing the same stunt.

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Featured Image: Instagram (@nusr_et)