SCDF Officers in Türkiye Rescued a Man in Collapsed 2-Storey Building

You would probably have come across one of the calls-to-action to donate supplies or money towards aid for the victims of the Kahramanmaras earthquakes.

Earlier this week, two ground-shattering earthquakes—measuring 7.8 and 7.5 on the Richter scale—flattened buildings across Turkey and northern Syria in one of the worst natural disasters of this century.

As Türkiye and Syria continue to reel from the effects of the two earthquakes, officers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) have brought some cheer to the locals (and hopefully, supplies from good Samaritans in Singapore).

The SCDF officers have been working tirelessly in the rescue operations to fruition.

The team has conducted with a second successful rescue of a man from a collapsed building, following their rescue of a boy earlier this week.

SCDF Officers Successfully Rescues Man Trapped in Building

SCDF’s Operation Lionheart, worked together with the Local Emergency Management Agency (LEMA) to rescue a man from a collapsed two-storey building on Thursday 8pm local time (which is roughly 1am on a Friday morning in Singapore).

Operation Lionheart is Singapore’s 79-member contingent on round-the-clock standby. Their function is to “provide urban search and rescue and/or humanitarian relief assistance to countries afflicted by major disasters”.

Some of the members include the elite Disaster Assistance & Rescue Team (DART) and frontline units, such as the Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) men.

Apart from rescuers equipped with professional equipment to save lives and rescue individuals, search dogs and technical experts such as doctors and civil engineers are also part of the contingent put together to respond at a moment’s notice.

To pull off the rescue feat, five members of DART and a paramedic cooperated with LEMA rescuers to ensure the building’s stability and tread through the building’s second storey where faint cries of help were heard.

The SCDF had also used its fibre-optic scope equipment to confirm the location of the man and entered the building after LEMA used equipment to create an opening for the rescue team to enter the building.

After half an hour, the team managed to rescue the trapped man and handed him over into the good hands of locals.

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Other Efforts by the SCDF Officers

Singapore’s rescue team had previously carried out another successful rescue operation in Turkey, saving a young boy who was trapped under the rubble of a building.

The boy was near the epicentre of the earthquake in Kahramanmaras city.

Battling freezing temperatures of two degrees Celsius, the SCDF officers partners with Turkish and Spanish rescue teams to extract the trapped boy.

Search canines, fibre-optic scope and cutting and breaking equipment were deployed during this process to pinpoint the location of the victim and create a path for the rescuers to reach the boy.

After a gruelling three-hour operation, the boy was successfully rescued.

Kudos to the brave officers for their hard work and efforts.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Singapore Civil Defence Force)