Seedless Avocado Has Arrived..& You Can Eat the Skin, Too

Anyone who knows me knows that I am an aficionado of avocados and I am not the only one—I am looking at you, millennials, hipster and anyone who has good taste in food.


This versatile fruit can be made into smoothies, guacamole and if you’re super lazy like me, you can just eat it on its own!


But before you can revel in its creamy goodness, you have to remove the gargantuan pit which can be a bloody affair (at times) if you have butterfingers.


Just when all hope is lost, the avocado gods bless us with this:

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Don’t panic guys, the phallic-looking thing is actually an avocado but without the seed!

Cocktail avocado

Named the cocktail avocado, it is the slimmer version of the original, measuring about 5cm to 8cm long.

It is being sold in the United Kingdom by British retailer Marks & Spencer in 149 outlets, the Straits Times reported.

Do expect to fork out more cash for the seedless avocado as it goes for $3.60 per pack.

Oh, did I mention that the skin is edible as well?

I can imagine the Queen giving it a thumbs up!


Oh Jesus, when will this arrive in Singapore?

Not anytime soon as M&S agronomist Charlotte Curtis mentioned that the company has got only a limited amount of the fruit for the season.

How is it seedless though?

Oh, didn’t you know avocados are asexual? I am just kidding—according to a report in The Guardian, the cocktail avocado is the result of an unpollinated blossom which is then cultivated into a seedless fruit.

It is grown in Spain and only available during December.


I think we have to wait a very long time till it hits our shores.

For now, we still have to approach with caution when dealing with the full-size version.

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