72YO Man Set Fire to Ex-GF’s 64YO Lover’s HDB Flat; Eventually, Everyone is Alone Instead

There’s a saying that love conquers all, but maybe not in this case.

Recently on Monday (13 June), a 72-year-old man pleaded guilty to one count of grievous hurt by dangerous weapons and one count of mischief by fire.

He was sentenced to four years and 11 months’ imprisonment.

And if you’re wondering what he did, he attempted to set an HDB flat on fire.

And not just any HDB flat.

It was the flat that belongs to his ex-girlfriend’s lover.

Couple Broke Up Prior to Incident

After realising that his 50-year-old ex-girlfriend had been seeing someone else after breaking up with him, 72-year-old Zuo Jian Ting hatched a plan to try and seek revenge.

According to investigations, Zuo’s then-girlfriend, who was not named, asked to break up with him in May 2020 and revealed that she had been seeing another man, 64-year-old Chen Guo Shen.

Even though Zuo tried his best to get his ex-girlfriend to stay, she ultimately decided against it.

Zuo later found out about Chen’s existence and was enraged, which led him to stalk his ex-girlfriend in order to find out Chen’s address.

He also heard from her that Chen would usually go to bed early at night, and Zuo decided to start planning his “revenge plan” after that.

Set Ex’s Lover’s House on Fire at Night

On 13 October 2020, Zuo allegedly brought some metal wire, a pair of pants and a lighter to Chen’s house at around 10.50pm.

By that time, Chen was already asleep.

Zuo proceeded to tie a metal wire around the metal gate outside Chen’s gate in order to stop him from escaping before lighting the pants on fire in front of Chen’s house.

He then fled the scene.

Thankfully for Chen, a neighbour of his noticed the fire and was able to put it out with water before calling the police.

Zuo Attacked Chen Again in Second Incident

But it seems like even trying to set Chen’s house on fire wasn’t enough for Chen, for he decided to attack Zuo again.

This was apparently due to the fact that he saw Chen ushering his ex-girlfriend into a taxi less than a month later.

On 12 November 2020, Zuo travelled to Chen’s house via his company’s lorry and took an 18-inch wooden plank with him to ambush Chen.

After seeing Chen sending his lover away in a taxi, he immediately took the elevator up to the storey of Chen’s HDB unit and waited for him there.

Once Chen stepped out of the elevator, Zuo rushed forward and hit Chen’s legs, causing him to fall.

Zuo then proceeded to sit on Chen while he continued to hit him with the wooden plank.

Zuo only left the scene after Chen sustained several injuries and was unable to get up.

Victim Now Jobless After Injuries

When speaking to Shin Min Daily News, Chen explained how he never knew that a simple relationship could lead to such consequences.

After he got to know Zuo’s ex-girlfriend, Chen soon became a couple with her and she moved in with him.

However, Chen recalled how Zuo started to create chaos near his house just a few weeks after the lady moved in with Chen.

He also added that he did not know Zuo prior to the incidents.

Additionally, Chen shared that the injuries that he sustained from Chen’s attack left him losing some of his senses in his left hand and leg.

He also still suffers from symptoms such as speech difficulties and epilepsy-related symptoms as a result of the attack.

He told Shin Min that his injuries led to him resigning from his job at a ban mian stall, and that he is unable to work right now.

Chen added that he has withdrawn more than $100,000 from his CPF account to fund his medical bills, but even that is not enough.

According to Chen, Zuo has apparently not offered Chen any form of monetary compensation at all.

Apart from that, Chen’s mother currently supports him financially on a day-to-day basis.

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Chen Broke Up with Girlfriend Afterwards

And if losing his ability to work wasn’t bad enough for Chen, he also ended up breaking up with his girlfriend after the incidents.

He also revealed that Zuo’s ex-girlfriend, who is a Malaysian, worked as a coffee brewer at a coffee shop in Yishun, and that she moved in with Chen after they became a couple.

At first, Chen would usually take the lady out on dates and treat her to lunch or tea. He would also end up giving her money up to $100 if she requested for it.

He explained that he was completely unaware of his ex-girlfriend’s dating history when they were together, and that he did not know if she already had a boyfriend either.

Chen initially offered for her to move in with her so that she could save the money that would otherwise be spent on rent.

She has since moved out of his house.

And it seems like this couple won’t be getting back together anytime soon, at least not from Chen’s recount.

A few days ago, Chen texted her after he fell from his bed.

Instead of concern, she replied his message by telling him to forget about her.

Chen then expressed his sadness at the outcome of this relationship, but said that he has to learn how to let go.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News