Someone Just Invented Something That’ll Suck Cockroaches


Do you scream like a little girl when you see a cockroach? Then you might just think that this is the best invention in the world.

Known as BugZooka, it’s simply a tube-like device that sucks bugs into a holding area. No batteries are required as it uses a strong suction to, erm, suck bugs in.

Here’s how it looks like.

Considering how cockroaches like to stay in one position for a while, it shouldn’t be difficult to suck one. The best part about this device is that the bug’s corpses won’t stay on the floor, so it’s essentially a “cleaner” way to get rid of them.

In fact, if you would like to, you can release the bugs in your enemy’s house outside your house, so you won’t be considered a murderer.

At USD$23.95 (before delivery cost), or about SGD$33, it’s a worthwhile investment for people who cannot stand the sight of a cockroach. But of course, if it’s a flying cockroach, then you’ll have to read this article instead.

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