SPF Officer Jailed After Pointing Loaded Revolver at NSF ‘As a Joke’

Life is either a joke, or this police officer is the punchline.

According to the court hearings, Mohammad Khairul, alongside Sergeant Daniel Tan Chee Lee and two National Serviceman (NSF) were on their community engagement rounds and parked at Block 683 Hougang Avenue 8.

Sergeant Tan stepped out and asked one of the other three officers to follow him to patrol the nearby Giant supermarket.

The two NSFs declined and remained seated in the car.

Mohammad Khairul then got out of the car, leaned back into the vehicle through the passenger door as he unbuckled his revolver holster and drew the gun.

He pointed the weapon at one of the NSFs, who could see the bullet head through the chambers, which alarmed him.

Mohammad Khairul didn’t cock the revolver, activate its laser beam, and kept his finger away from the trigger guard.

After holding his position for a few seconds, he sheathed his weapon again, left the car and headed for the Giant supermarket.

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The Reporting of the Incident Delayed

Mohammad Kairul believed that his colleagues were well-aware of his tendencies to joke around, which must have been true, because even his near-victim hadn’t taken the threat seriously.

In fact, the two NSFs didn’t even report the matter until it incidentally came up in a conversation with another regular officer in June 2020.

It was only then that the police report was lodged.

Improper Standards and Power Dynamics

During the court hearing, the prosecution sought five to seven days of imprisonment.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Sunil Nar argued that Mohammad Khairul should have know better than use the issued revolver “to further their personal agendas, play pranks, or perform jokes.”

With regards to the late reporting of the incident, DPP Nair commented: “This shows the degree of influence that the uniformed service, and the regular officers representing it, have over the lives of ordinary national servicemen who are there to complete their services. Such offences can be hard to detect and should be deterred.”

After all, one of the reasons why the NSFs chose to keep their silence was because they simply wanted to complete their NS without having to worry about the possible complications or hostility that Mohammad Khairul might bring to them.

Final Verdict

District Judge Kok Shu En stated that as a regular police officer, Mohammad Khairul should be guiding the NSFs properly instead, and he should have known better.

Mohammad Khairul was sentenced to five days of jail on Monday (28 Mar) after he pleaded guilty to one count of harassment.

For causing harassment, alarm, or distress to the victim, he could have been fined up to S$5,000, jailed up to six months, or both.

The police claimed that all their officers go through training on the use of firearms, during which they were taught how to safely handle a gun and they warned against any misuse.

Misuse could result in serious consequences, like criminal prosecution, especially when the misuse endangers the officer or someone else.

Before any supervisory checks or engagement sessions, officers would always be assessed on whether they’re fit to carry the firearm.

Officers are frequently reminded to follow the safety rules and report any non-compliance or signs of misuse.

In the Singapore Police Force, there are processes in place for the reporting of such incidents. The police asserts that all complaints are taken seriously and comprehensively investigated.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock / kc.bangkaew