S’porean Man Lied To Police About Getting Robbed Because He Didn’t Want To Give GF Money

Ahhh, the joys of being in a relationship.

How far would you be willing to go to avoid giving money to your girlfriend? Enough to lie to the police?

Image: thedailyvox.co

Trust me. What I’m saying may sound ridiculous but the real story? Even more so.

Here’s what happened.

Self-Employed Man Lied About Getting Robbed Because He Didn’t Want To Give GF Money

Meet Mr Irwan Jaffry, a 23-year-old self-employed individual in a typical relationship.

On 14 April 2017, he decided that he didn’t want to give any money to his girlfriend so he decided to make up a story getting robbed by four men.

His girlfriend immediately dialled 999 and lodged a police report.

Because seriously, who wouldn’t? It’s a robbery, for god sake.

The police got involved. The SCDF also got involved because he claimed he was beaten up.

Image: quickmeme.com

So what did he do?

Feeling like he had no choice, he decided to continue the lie, this time to the police.

He claimed that he was putting money into the bank at the POSB branch at Yew Tee MRT Station at around 9.45 pm when he noticed four men behaving strangely around him at that time.

He went on to say that the four men followed him to a multi-storey carpark near his girlfriend’s home and assaulted him.

They chased after him, hit him in the ribs and took some of the cash in his waist pouch.

Then, he managed to run off when they were distracted.

Things Started Getting Out Of Control

Have you ever witnessed a situation going out of control?

It’s just like you forged your mother’s signature on your report cards in Primary school and have that oh shit feeling when your teacher says she called your parents.

That was what happened to this poor boyfriend as well.

The police delegated resources into chasing down these four mythical crooks, including spending manpower on reviewing CCTV footage in the area.

About a month later on 19 May, the man decided that he has had enough and decided to come clean.

He confessed that he had lied because he didn’t want to give money to his girlfriend, who often asked for money from him.

He was sentenced to one week jail by District Judge Adam Nakhoda for furnishing false information to the police.

He could have been fined $5,000/jailed up to one year, or both.

Moral of the story: Don’t lie to your girlfriend. Just say no next time.

Honesty is the best policy, after all.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: straitstimes.com