S’poreans Are Using AirFrov to Get Others to Buy Good Food for Cheap

In this day and age, there is always a solution to our first-world problems.

If you find cabs are very expensive, GrabHitch lor.

Aiyo, how come this restaurant don’t have delivery service? Nevermind, use UberEATS, Deliveroo or Food Panda.

Lazy to go on a blind date, Tinder ftw!

Craving for Tokyo Bananas? Then how?

Use Airfrov!

For those who have no idea what AirFrov is—no it’s not a new hipster airline.

It is an app that allows travellers to bring back a specific overseas item that you requested.

Yes…..it is a legit thing.

How does it work

You put up an ad on the item you want, stating which country it is from and the cost of the item, including tips.

If a traveller happens to be in that area, he or she will take up that offer and once the payment has been made to AirFrov—voila, the traveller will buy it for you and bring it to the AirFrov’s office which will be then delivered to you.

So, if you take a look at the website, you can see that are tonnes of requests from all over the world.

So just to give some context, this is a startup by Singaporeans, so the office is based in Singapore.

So my questions is—why is there a need for a “Singapore” tab?

Aren’t the deliveries intended for international transactions?

So I clicked on the Singapore tab and guess what I saw….

The page was filled with food and Hello Kitty Plushies.

Image: airfrov.com

If this doesn’t scream Singaporean, I don’t know what does.

Now, let’s take a closer look!

Image: airfrov.com

So somehow users have managed to transform international deliveries to domestic deliveries.

As you can tell, they do leave generous tips.

Let’s do the math

Let’s see if its economical to use AirFrov to get your favourite food delivered to your doorstep.

Using the Lobster Nasi Lemak as an example.

Looks so good, yet to try it though.

Anyways, back to the calculation.

So he got one Lobster Nasi Lemak, Chicken Wing Nasi Lemak and Garoupa Fish Nasi Lemak which sums up to $29.

The whole transaction is $49 which means the tip is $20!

Worth it or not

Technically, you wouldn’t be able to get the Lobster Nasi Lemak (if you’re ordering from Sengkang) even if you use food delivery apps such as Food Panda or Deliveroo, as the stall is located in Tampines.

So it is hard to make an objective comparison. But you can’t put a price on a hungry stomach, especially if you’re craving for something specific.

I mean, if you have the cash to splurge, why not!

Image: giphy.com

It is also a neat way for people to make spare cash, though it is not the right platform.

For those who are looking to make spare cash by running errands, check out labormeapp.com.

Coz it sounds like people are using AirFrov like it’s Laborme, whereby people request someone else to “do their tasks” (i.e., in this case, buy that really good nasi lemak).

No, Laborme isn’t paying me to write this.

Just trying to help a fellow millennial!

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: airfrov.com