Don’t Say Bojio: Tai Cheong Bakery Selling 4 Egg Tarts at $5.70 on 9 Aug 2022

With National Day coming up, I’m sure there’s nothing that beats a long weekend of rest and relaxation.

Unless that long weekend of rest and relaxation also comes with perks and discounts, especially for food.

And if you’re thinking the same, you’re in luck.

Tai Cheong Bakery’s Discount on Egg Tarts on National Day

Egg tart lovers, rejoice.

If you’re a fan of egg tarts, you’ve probably tried Tai Cheong Bakery’s egg tarts, which come in their signature mint-coloured boxes and are, clearly, very delicious.

And just yesterday (2 August), Tai Cheong Bakery uploaded the following post onto their Facebook page.

In celebration of Singapore’s 57th birthday, Tai Cheong Bakery will be selling their Original Egg Tarts at $5.70 for a box of four.

One tart usually costs up to $2.20, which means you’re getting more than a $3 discount on your egg tarts if you drop by any of their outlets (other than their store at Changi Airport Terminal 3) on National Day itself next week.

The bakery also stated in the caption that one customer will only be allowed to purchase a maximum of two boxes, or eight egg tarts, and that pre-orders will not be available for this offer.

And of course, after the announcement was made on social media, egg tart fans from all across the island expressed their excitement and joy at the offer, and many even tagged friends and family in the comments section to spread the word.

The post has also garnered over 370 shares since it was uploaded yesterday (2 August) morning.

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Offer Only for Original Egg Tarts

But for those who are a bigger fan of their other pastries, such as their pandan tarts, here’s some not-so-good news.

In the comments section of the post, the bakery clarified that the promotion is only for their Original Egg Tarts and does not apply to the other items on their menu.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Tai Cheong Bakery Singapore)