Johor Police Now Looking for Men Who Fled Back to S’pore After Assaulting a M’sian in JB

If you’ve been scrolling through Facebook over the past few days, you might have seen this video floating around your feed:

And if you haven’t, here’s all you need to know after watching this conflict between two groups of men that happened near 8 Day Boutique Hotel at Mount Austin, Johor Bahru unfold before your very eyes.

Singaporeans Allegedly Attacked Malaysian in JB

On Sunday (31 July), Facebook user Lai Ku uploaded the following post to his Facebook account.

According to his caption, the man featured in his images and videos is a Singaporean who attacked others with a weapon while in Malaysia, and Lai added that the attacker fled the scene right after he finished attacking his victims.

He also shared an image of a white Singapore-registered car and its licence plate number.

Video Showed Man Holding Wrench

Even though the short 14-second clip did not capture the actual fight apart from the men spewing phrases and gesturing at each other, one man’s hand, in particular, caught the attention of many netizens.

The man, who is the same person as the one circled in Lai’s Facebook photos, was holding a wrench and waved it towards the other men involved in the argument.

Another man, who was clad in a t-shirt with the word “Dior” printed on it, also appeared to be extremely agitated as he attempted to interrogate the other parties, and even tried to challenge one of the other men to step forward at one point.

Man Wielding Wrench Apparently Singaporean

After his initial post, Lai didn’t just stop there.

Instead, he has uploaded multiple posts over the past few days that include details of the wrench-holding man’s identity, such as this one.

With various “receipts of proof”, Lai claimed that the man, whose name is apparently Nigel, is an illegal 4D bookie in Singapore.

According to a screenshot of a conversation discussing Nigel, Lai exposed his mobile number.

The other party communicating with Lai also urged him to report Nigel to the police for his illegal activities.

“Accomplice’s” Facebook Profile Exposed

Lai also posted the Facebook profile and other photos of the man who was wearing the “Dior” shirt, and called him “the accomplice” in this case.

Based on Lai’s posts, the “accomplice” is a man named Alson Chew, but one might wonder if the accomplice’s tattoos magically disappeared on photos posted on his Facebook profile.

Lai also urged for those who know the accomplice to get him to own up, turn himself in and face the music.

Police Report Filed, JB Police Have Contacted SPF for Assistance

On Monday (1 August), Lai posted a new update regarding the case, along with two other photos of the men that he has been trying to track down.

Apart from appealing for any information regarding the two men and writing that justice will be served, he also shared proof that a police report had been filed.

He also claimed that the two men circled in the photo, which is a screenshot of an Instagram story, were the “masterminds” of the attack.

Thereafter, the Johor police confirmed that they have received the report and are currently investigating the case.

The police announced that the current suspects that they are looking for after preliminary investigations include a foreign man between the ages of 20 and 30 years old, as well as two of his companions. The trio entered Johor Bahru with a foreign-registered car.

On the other hand, the other party involved in this incident was a 24-year-old Malaysian man.

Oriental Daily also reported that the Johor police have since gotten in touch with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) to help with investigations.

Attack Occurred Outside Bar, Men Were Apparently Drunk

Apart from that, Oriental Daily spoke with the Malaysian victim’s brother, who shared that the attack had occurred outside a bar in Mount Austin.

The victim, his brother and other friends of theirs were at the bar together on the night of the incident.

He recalled that he saw a group of seven men who seemed drunk when he left the bar at around 3am on 31 July, and added that the men were Singaporeans.

Around 30 minutes later, a friend called him to inform him that his brother had been attacked by the group of seven men outside the bar, prompting him to return to the bar.

Based on the recount of the victim’s brother, the men first came up to his brother when his brother was trying to leave the bar.

Conflict soon ensued, and the group proceeded to ask the victim to get out of his car.

One of the men also used a wrench to tap on the driver’s seat window at some point, prompting the victim to lower the car window to avoid his window being damaged.

After he lowered the window, the group of men started to attack the victim physically, causing bruises on the victim’s eye and nose bridge.

The victim also sustained internal bleeding in one of his eyes due to the assault.

Not First Offence for Wrench-Wielding Man

And it seems like it isn’t the first time that the wrench-wielding man has gotten into trouble across the Causeway, for his violence towards a lady while in JB was previously recorded and posted on social media as well.

During the incident that occurred in June this year, the Singapore-registered car that he was driving was the same as the one featured in the recent incident.

In the two-and-a-half-minute long video, the man continuously tried to force a woman into the co-pilot seat of his car despite her trying to get out of it, and did so in a harsh manner.

The man even grabbed her by the neck and wrist despite her attempts to free herself from his grip.

He ended up shoving her roughly into the backseat of the car before driving off.

After the incident was exposed on social media, several netizens stepped up to call the man out for his actions.

However, others also speculated that this scene could have just been a couple fighting over something trivial, while there were netizens who commented that viewers should not jump to conclusions without understanding the entire situation.

Netizens’ Reactions

Since the incident was posted on Facebook, hundreds of netizens from both Malaysia and Singapore have left comments and their opinions on Lai Ku’s Facebook posts.

Lai’s original post has also been shared extensively on Facebook with more than 3,900 shares.

Many netizens condemned the Singaporean men’s actions, and some even joked that the Singaporean men were trying to act tough when they have never seen real “bad guys” before.

However, there were also some commenters who took a different view.

Some pointed out that Lai technically did not have any proof that the men had attacked the victim since the video did not show the physical part of the assault, but most of these comments garnered much backlash after being posted.

Might Have Misidentified Accomplice

With regards to the men that Lai have identified as the assailant and his accomplice, some pointed out that he might have mistaken the identity of the assailant after seeing the Facebook profile that Lai shared.

For starters, the Facebook user whose profile was shared by Lai did not have any visible tattoos, while the assailant captured in the video had both his arms tattooed.

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On the other hand, some turned their attention to the photo of the alleged assailant that was uploaded by Lai.

In the comments section, some criticised him for posting an image of the “attacker” and a woman who appears to be his girlfriend.

One user who claimed to be the girl’s friend asked for him to take her photo down, while another user said that the account owner had “no standard” for posting an image of the attacker’s girlfriend.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Lai Ku)