Teen Who Flipped Signboard at Child Issued with a Stern Warning

Yes, I know. Who flips signboards at innocent children?

It turns out that the teenagers in the viral video did not mean to hurt the child. They’ve also been issued a stern warning by the police.

Viral Video Showed 4 Teens Flipping Signboard at Child

A video went viral last November when it showed four teens flipping a “wet floor” signboard at a child before running away.

The toddler was startled and started crying, and it was reported that she suffered bruises.

A woman who was with the child shouted at one of the teens, asking for his name and NRIC. She said that she was going to report them to the police.

Thankfully, the four teens were nabbed at Serangoon MRT that night (still holding on to the “wet floor” sign) and were investigated by the police.

Did Not Intend To Hit Child

An update by the police on Wednesday (26 January) said that the teenager wanted to prank his friend, who was holding the sign in his hand.

He sneaked up to his friend from behind and smacked the sign before running off. The action caused the sign to fly out of his friend’s hand, causing it to hit a child standing nearby.

The teenager was sorry for the unintentional harm and distress his actions caused to the child. He said that he did not realise the child was hit during that time.

He wrote an apology letter to the child and her mother, and offered to make full payment of the child’s medical expenses. The letter and offer of compensation have reached the family.

The police also gave a stern warning for dishonest misappropriation of property to the teen holding the signboard. The teen had picked up the sign along Keong Saik Road.

He had apologised to the child and her mother at the scene, and was not found responsible for the harm caused to the child.

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The police considered factors like the teenagers’ clean records and young age when they decided to issue a warning instead of prosecuting them.

Additionally, it was the fact that the teenagers had not intended to cause hurt to the child, was remorseful about the act afterwards, and had sought to make amends that allowed them to get off with just a warning.

For dishonest misappropriation of property, convicted offenders could face a jail term of up to two years, a fine, or both.

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Featured Image: Instagram (Wake Up, Singapore)