There’s A Rainbow Prata in S’pore ‘Coz Everything Also Must Rainbow

I‘ve heard this from an F&B person before and I totally agree.

Food nowadays doesn’t have to taste good but it must look good.

For example, the Raindrop Cake trend


Or what I call the tasteless but incredibly popular jelly.

Or the galaxy food


Just think super sweet doughnuts.

If you’re a Singaporean who love feeding your Instagram account more than your stomach, we’ve got something super cool for you.

A Singapore favourite joined the ranks of rainbow food


That’s right. Prata in rainbow colours.

Only available at Banana Leaf Pork Briyani in Woodlands, this unique prata stall is arguably the most controversial prata stall we ever seen.


If you haven’t got that from the stall’s name, it’s not halal-certified.

And for those who don’t like sweet stuff, don’t worry.

Unlike galaxy food which is filled with so much sweet stuff they can produce Powerpuff girls themselves, their prata tastes exactly like prata.

They just added food colouring to the dough.


And the best part? The pratas are served with pork or chicken curry.

Not mutton.


And get this, they’re actually looking at adding more colours to their already colourful prata in the near future.

Not really a prata fan? They have colourful thosai too


Their rainbow pratas are so special they are only served from 7 am to 10.30am and 5 pm.

And they get sold out fast so call them to check before making your way down.

And really, where else can you eat PORK Briyani except here?


Address: 71 Woodlands Industrial Estate ParK E9, Wave9, Singapore 757047
Opening hours: Mon-Sun, 7 am to 10.30 pm
Contact: 9321 8081/9638 2424

What are you waiting for? Tag your prata-loving friends today!

Oh, You’re welcome! 😉

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