There’s a Website Called & It Shows All the Yishun Madness, Because #Yishun

We just can’t get enough of Yishun town. This area in the North has captured our hearts with its frequent appearance in the news (for not so delectable reasons, unfortunately), and now it’s gotten to the point where the town itself has a website.



Don’t be fooled by the pleasant design of the page. The first thing on the page says “Yishun Is F***ed Up.” And with good reason as well, apparently. The creator of the site had identified the area in Yishun with the most number of unfortunate incidents, a largely round area within Yishun Ring Road allegedly known as the Devil’s Ring.


Our country may be small, but we’ve even got our own Bermuda Triangle. It’s just not a triangle. And it’s in Yishun. And it’s a bunch of ridiculous shit happening way too often instead of vehicles crashing (oh crap, touch wood before that actually happens).

The site even has an interactive map pointing out all the incidents that have happened within the area, and boy does it look scary. I have to say, after living there for my entire life until recently, I do feel a bit of relief now that I’ve moved away. Because holy shit, I have never seen so many ridiculous incidents happening in a place, and in Singapore no less.

On the bright side, the site has got very helpful categories to satisfy your morbid curiosity. They’ve categorised incidents according to Cursed Luck, Mother Nature, Siao Lang, Murders, and Sex, Crime, Drugs. I see already I scared, but at least now I know exactly what I’m scared of.

Recently, has gotten the attention of the local MP, Er. Lee Bee Wah, and she had responded on her Facebook page.


She shared a post from (presumably) a local resident, chiding the site for being offensive and the joke for being unfunny, and expressed her agreement. I bet our dear MP secretly doesn’t even live in the Devil’s Ring.

I assume this resident frequently explains jokes at parties as well.

As an ex-resident of “Singapore’s most dystopian town”, I believe I can speak for many that Yishun is actually quite a nice place to stay. It is full of charm, great food, and excellent convenience in terms of infrastructure. In fact, I’d highly recommend people to move here if you’re looking for a pleasant place to stay. God knows we’re running out of people in this town.

And no, I’m definitely not one of those crazed murderers who owns an extensive collection of axes.

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