Think You’re Good at Pranking? Wait Till You See This Couple…

What are some of the most extreme pranks you would dare to pull on your other half?

Let’s not talk about stuff like buying fake cockroaches, that’s so last century!

There’s a Malaysian couple who owns a shared YouTube channel by the name of Jeff & Inthira.

Recently, Jeff decided to surprise Inthira with an Iphone X.

You might be thinking “awww that’s so sweet” but you’re in for a nasty surprise.

Jeff decided to spice up this “challenge” by cutting off her hair while she was asleep.

Note: this is not for the faint-hearted. Watch on:

As you can see from the video, he really cut off the hair that she has grown for ten years.

Please ah, you guys don’t start to grow any ideas in your head, unless you confirm plus chop your girlfriend/wife is not going to hold grudges against you.

While Inthira was indeed surprised at the sight of her new phone, this does not mean that she’s ready to forgive him for taking away a part of her.

So she decided to destroy a part of her boyfriend’s life: his PS4.

See that smile on her face? That’s the smile of a winner.

What netizens say

Well, it’s the first time I’m seeing a prank this extreme, so let’s see what their subscribers have to say instead.

Note: writer translated comments in Singapore context for easy understanding.

“This is so extreme, how popz they want to get sia, not funny at all. This is the first time I’m getting angry from watching a video. The girlfriend temper really very good. First time pressing dislike.”

Image: Jeff & Inthira

“Hair is really important to a girl! You’re doing this to earn view? So childish.”

Image: Jeff & Inthira

“Your hair not even worth $10, you got the cheeks to throw his PS4? I hope you return the iphone 10 to him and break up.”

Image: Jeff & Inthira

The couple took to the comments section to reassure their subscribers of their relationship:

“Our relationship is still very good, please don’t speculate anymore, we both know each other’s limits. Watch Jeff take his revenge on 21st Jan, 8pm!”

Image: Jeff & Inthira

In case you’re wondering what he did, here’s the video:

I can’t even put it into words to describe how disgusting it is…

And of course, the comments section:

“It’s unbelievable how you’re using this kind of method to increase views, couples should also know where to draw the line.”

Image: Jeff & Inthira

What do you think? Have they over-done it or is it worth the risks?

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured image: Jeff & Inthira