Titus Low Called Straits Times a ‘Boomer’ After a Prank That Says His Marriage is a Prank

As some readers might already be aware, Onlyfans content creator, Titus Low, recently announced his engagement/marriage to Malaysian influencer Cheryl Chin.

The news came to a surprise to many, for a couple of reasons.

His Onlyfans content suggests that he’s homosexual, but then people have to remember that he’s pandering to a certain demographic for their subscriptions and views.

It doesn’t mean he can’t be bisexual, and his attraction to Cheryl Chin is more than enough proof.

Secondly, and more importantly, the couple have only known each other for one month, becoming acquainted at a social gathering hosted by Jianhao Tan for his company, Titan Digital Media.

In a move that was purely “YOLO”, as Low himself described in his recent YouTube video, the couple decided to get engaged merely six hours after officially confirming that they were going steady.

With how fast-paced everything was, it’s no wonder that some people are doubting the authenticity of their engagement, regardless of the videographic evidence provided.

The TikTok Videos of 19 June

And well, it appears that Titus and Cheryl have decided to get on the bandwagon of making people doubt their relationship as they uploaded two TikTok videos, one on their shared account, and another on Titus Low’s.

On their shared account, the caption read, “After 1 week of being married, we decided that we’re better off alone 😔 thank you for the support & love ❤️ – T&C”

In this video, Titus and Cheryl look at each other sadly before the 22-year-old Onlyfans creator places his head on the Malaysian influencer’s shoulder.

Image: tiktok.com (@titusandcheryl)

Similarly on Titus Low’s video, the video was emblazoned with the large caption, “After being married for a week, we decided it’s best for us to call this off & go our separate ways 😔 Thank you for the support ❤️”.

A sombre-looking Titus Low sits in the background, chin propped in the palm of his hand, before the camera pans to the side to show Cheryl sitting behind him, casually sipping from a Hello Kitty tumbler.

Image: tiktok.com (@tituslow)

In the last two seconds of the videos, however, the tune and image suddenly switch to a dancing Kris Jenner, an American socialite who rose to fame in the reality television show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians”.

Image: tiktok.com

What was Misinterpreted?

Truthfully speaking, I don’t own a TikTok account, nor do I bother to keep up with its trends, so I didn’t understand the meme from the get-go either.

(Then there are reality TV shows, which probably deserve a whole other essay of its own.)

“Getting Krissed” is apparently an up-and-recent trend going around TikTok, where an individual reveals shocking, misleading, and/or false information for the sole purpose of tricking and pranking the audience.

In essence, it’s a bait-and-switch, not dissimilar from the classic Rick Roll.

Therefore, the correct interpretation of their videos is that Titus Low and Cheryl Chin are still very much together, and they’re just pulling a prank on the internet by saying that they broke off their relationship.

Unfortunately, not everyone got the joke.

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Straits Times and Memes Don’t Mix

For a national newspaper, you’d think that the writers would watch the full TikTok video and attempt to understand the machinations happening in the background before they post an article.

Alas, that did not happen, because The Straits Times (ST) completely fell for the prank, publishing an article entitled “Former OnlyFans creator Titus Low reveals that his surprise engagement was a prank”.

Image: straitstimes.com

The first attention-grabbing line from the ST article read, “Former OnlyFans creator Titus Low, who made a surprise engagement announcement last week on social media, has revealed that it was a prank.”

From the wording of the sentence, it sounds like the newspaper was just waiting for the other shoe to inevitably drop, thus proving that the whole engagement was just a ruse to garner more attention.

Then, the article talks about the TikTok video on their shared account and the associated caption.

In order to explain how they came to the conclusion that Titus Low was just pranking the internet—which he was, though never about the relationship—they wrote, “Then they ended the post with a meme, indicating a prank.”

I mean, yes, but also no???

Upon realising their mistake some time later, The Straits Times quickly amended the headline to “Former OnlyFans creator Titus Low suggests that his surprise engagement was a prank”.

It’s just a one-word change, but it makes all the difference in the world.

The newspaper also added a correction notice at the end, stating, “An earlier version of this article suggested the couple’s engagement was a prank. This has been corrected.”

Not exactly their finest moment.

Titus and Cheryl: Straits Times is a “Boomer”

Low is clearly having a field day with this, as he confirms with Mothership (instead of ST) that he and Cheryl are still together.

As for whether they’re legally married and when the wedding will be, Titus Low revealed that they’ve held a small wedding ceremony.

They have bigger plans for their wedding ceremony in store, but that will have to wait until Cheryl’s parents fly into Singapore, and when his court case ends, since he can’t leave the country just yet.

Titus and Cheryl have both responded to the ST article, giving facepalm and sweat drop emojis as they elaborated that it was just a joke/meme.

Cheryl attaches a clipping of the article, while putting out the hashtag #boomers, which is true.

Image: instagram.com (@titusslow)
Image: instagram.com (@cherb8ar)

Millennial and Gen Z humour can get a bit confusing at times. 

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Featured Images: TikTok (@titusandcheryl & @tituslow)