We Tried McDonald’s New BBQ Pulled Chicken Burger & We Weren’t Impressed

McDonald’s inventions have always, at least to me, been a hit-and-miss kind of thing.

While there were definitely successes, like the McSpicy, Nasi Lemak Burger and the Double Quarter Pounder, there were also a multitude of disappointments: the Angus Beef burger (I can’t believe the quarter pounder died for this) and Cheesy Loaded fries are just a few to speak of.

First Impression

Without further ado, let’s hop right into the review for the BBQ Pull Chicken Burger.

I gotta be frank with you though. After being disappointed by McDonald’s 3 times in a row, it’s really hard for me to be happy about reviewing their food.

Granted, the revised cheesy loaded fries were a lot better than before, but it’s still not something I would willingly spend money on.

(Hmm, at least the bun looks pretty nice)

Let’s take a look inside, shall we?

…Umm, I’m fairly certain that we ordered the BBQ pulled chicken burger and not a purple cabbage burger?

I mean, where’s the meat?

Okay, just let me go to their website to take a look.

Image: mcdonalds.com.sg

(Wait, what)

“100% white meat, pulled to perfection and smothered in smoky BBQ sauce. Topped with crunchy shredded purple cabbage and carrot. All between toasted sesame seed buns. Simply flavourful.”

…You gotta be freaking kidding me. I understand that McDonald’s burgers have always suffered from the “expectation vs reality” issue, but just compare the burgers! The real thing looks like two empty white buns stacked together!

Enough about the looks, let’s move on to the important thing. The taste.

Taste test

Well, it sucks, okay? End of review. You can stop reading now. Tata, Sayonara!

(Dat face of pure agony)

…Sigh. I suppose you want the details, eh?

Now, where do I even begin?

Image: mcdonalds.com.sg

Oh yes, the contents of the burger.

For starters, I don’t even taste any BBQ sauce. At first, I thought maybe it was just me. You know, perhaps my taste buds finally gave way after years of eating all sorts of “weird shit”.

But nooooo, none of us tasted any BBQ sauce at all. Nada. (Maybe it’s just like how there’s barely any cheese on their cheesy loaded fries)

Secondly, the chicken. It’s essentially just a non-spicy McSpicy patty ripped to shreds and smothered in white mayonnaise-like sauce. So yeah, it’s just chicken thigh meat with mayo.

From what we know, the kitchen workers actually had to pull the meat off the chicken themselves. So, A+ for their efforts! (I’m sorry that the final product had let you all down! (ಥ_ʖಥ))

(Here, have a picture of Zhi Hao emo-ing at one corner. Because wasted calories is wasted)

Now, on to the bonus dish.

Bonus taste test

The Italian herb drumlets.

Except for the fact that I can’t really taste any herbs, the drumlets are actually decent. The meat’s juicy and I probably wouldn’t mind ordering this as a side dish when I go to McDonald’s.

Other than that, I really have no idea what else to say.

In conclusion:

When confronted regarding the reasons he’s making us do this, our editor simply smiled wryly and rode off into the sunset.

Still suffering from physical and mental trauma, we gave our verdicts.

BBQ Pulled Chicken Burger: 2/5 (And that’s for the kitchen workers’ efforts)

Italian Herb Drumlets: 2/5 (meh, nothing great, nothing bad)

And here’s one final image to sum up the whole experience:

Image: knowyourmeme.com

Although granted, you can get the burger if you love McDonald’s chicken thigh patty, but can’t tahan the McSpicy’s spicy kick.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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