Uncle Roger Responds to Insensitive Tweet He Made About Ukraine


Whenever we hear news of Uncle Roger, it’s usually funny and wholesome news, right?

Well, not this time, as the egg-fried-rice-protector is refusing to properly apologise for his insensitive tweet about Ukraine. Here’s what happened.

Adding Ukraine To His World Tour As A Joke?

In a Tweet that has been deleted, Malaysian stand-up comedian Nigel Ng, more commonly known as Uncle Roger, joked about adding Ukraine to his world tour.

Image: Twitter (Nigel Ng)

Needless to say, many people were not impressed by Ng’s lack of sensitivity. Imagine not knowing whether you’d live to see another day, only for someone to use your situation as a joke.

Many people roasted him, saying that his tweet was in bad taste when people are actually suffering right now.

Doesn’t Really Apologise, Says He’ll Do It Again

On the same day, Ng posted a tweet admitting his mistake:

However, while he (vaguely) admitted his mistake, he didn’t actually apologise for his insensitivity or for making a joke out of a very serious situation.

Ng then proceeded to reply to a tweet asking him to be more careful and “no next time”, saying that there “definitely will be a next time”.

He added that if they listened to his podcast, they would know that he spouts “some crazy shit”.

Well, okay. We can see when someone is trying to turn bad publicity to their advantage.

But as many Twitter replies said, joking about other people’s suffering isn’t simply “some crazy shit”. Instead, it just reflects how inconsiderate and cruel Ng truly is.

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Netizens Call Him Out, Demand A Proper Apology

Everyone is understandably angry at Uncle Roger. How can someone who protects fried rice with all their heart be so dismissive of others’ suffering?

Plenty of people are telling him to go watch some YouTube videos and educate himself, and many more are asking him to apologize properly to those affected by the Russo-Ukraine crisis.


As of 28 February, Ng has not yet apologised and has resumed his usual activity on Twitter. Looks like he has no intention to truly apologise after all.

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Featured Image: Twitter (Nigel Ng)