Video of Woman Surprising Family in M’sia After Being Stuck in S’pore for 1.5 Years Got Almost 6K Shares

Being away from home is always hard, for both you and your family.

And if you’ve never been apart from your family, a viral video showing a tearful reunion from a Malaysian family proves it all.

Tears of Happiness At Reunion After 1.5 Years

A Malaysian woman who was stuck in Singapore since 10 June 2020 (due to COVID-19 measures) finally crossed the border back to Malaysia via the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL).

To celebrate her reunion with her family after more than one and a half years, her husband documented everything and put up a Facebook video on 10 January.

Her husband starts the video by going to pick her up and giving her a bouquet of flowers.

The video cuts to the man back at home, playing with his daughters while his wife stands outside the door, waiting to surprise them.

Her younger daughter noticed her first, and both daughters ran over to hug their mother.

The younger daughter was not even a year old when her mother left for Singapore! It must have been especially heart-warming for the mother to see her daughter all grown up now.

The woman’s mother and younger sister also hugged her tearfully, with the mother asking, ‘Why did you lie to me?’

It seems like the woman must have kept her return a secret from everyone except her husband.

As touching as this may be, this is just one of the many tearful reunions happening across our borders.

141,000 Malaysians Stuck in Singapore During Pandemic

According to Malaysian news, around 300,000 Malaysians travel across the land border between Singapore and Malaysia for work. About 141,000 Malaysians were stuck in Singapore due to the border closures brought on by COVID-19.

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However, good news for any Malaysians stranded, as the two countries have agreed to keep the border open through VTL for now, even as Omicron cases rise.

The main objective of the land VTL is to allow families to be reunited after nearly two years, especially with many Singaporeans and Malaysians having close relatives in both countries.

You can click here for the Malaysian portal to register for Malaysia-Singapore VTL, and here to ensure you have everything to make a safe journey home.

Or a safe shopping trip to Johor, if you think the seven-day Antigen-Rapid Tests (ARTs) are worth it.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Cheah Wen Jie)