Concise Guide to What is Considered Indoors & Outdoors by MOH

If you’re not counting down the hours and minutes to 29 March after PM Lee’s address today, are you even living in Singapore?

Jokes aside, I’m sure everyone’s aware of the masks-off-when-you’re-outdoors rule that will be kicking in from next Tuesday (29 March) onwards.

But wait ah…

What counts as outdoors?

If you’re as confused as I was regarding what venues count as outdoor venues, don’t worry, because I’ve got you covered.

Indoor Venues

Although it might be easy to assume that by “indoor” the government means “places with air-conditioning”, that’s not the case.

According to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) guidelines, “indoor venues” include the obvious areas such as within office buildings, shopping malls, libraries and lifts.

Being on public transport also counts as being in an indoor venue, so don’t forget to mask up before you get on the bus in the morning.

Hawker centres, coffeeshops and wet markets are also considered indoor even though they usually aren’t air-conditioned, so don’t say we never tell you to bring a mask along when you’re denied entry to go eat your favourite kway chap ah.

Apart from the aforementioned venues, HDB retail shops and other shophouses also fall under the category of indoor places.

Lastly, if you’re a student or teacher, you’ll still need to have your mask on when you’re in the classroom, regardless of whether or not it’s air-conditioned.

Outdoor Venues

I don’t think I’ve been more excited to read a list before.

Based on the same guidelines, outdoor venues include the void decks of HDB blocks, the walkways along HDB walkways and fivefoot ways. Open-air sheltered walkways and bridges also count as outdoor areas.

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And although you’ll need to mask up when you’re on the bus, masks are optional when you’re waiting for the bus at bus stops and naturally ventilated bus interchanges, i.e. bus interchanges that only have free air-con from Mother Nature.

So if you’re at Bishan, you can take your mask off. But don’t go to Bukit Panjang or Boon Lay bus interchange and say that you’re allowed to go in without a mask, ok?

And of course, areas such as parks, fields and nature trails are also outdoor areas, so you don’t have to wear a mask the next time you want to get closer to nature.

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Featured Image: Damian Lugowski /