Woman Online Shamed for Stealing PS4 Games; She Paid Up & To Her, It’s No Longer Considered Stealing

If you had the privilege to study in Singapore’s top-notch education system, you would be very familiar with the term, “crime doesn’t pay”.

Who remembers policemen coming down to your school for an assembly talk on crimes?

I mean, I don’t know about you but looking at pictures of convicts with cane marks on their buttocks which resembles a barcode has scarred me for life.

Thank you, policeman, for that vivid image which has seared into my brain.

But I guess this woman must have been absent from school when the said assembly talk happened.

What happened

According to Stomp, On Nov 16, a woman was caught on video taking two PS4 games from a store (aka stealing ‘coz she didn’t pay) in Hougang Mall.

Of course, there is a video!

Stomper Hong, one of the shop owner’s friend, shared it to Stomp.

Take a look.

Woman takes PS4 games at Hougang Mall — but only pays up afte…

Woman takes PS4 games at Hougang Mall — but only pays up after video of her gets posted on FB. Read the full story here: http://bit.ly/2jbtmev

Posted by Stomp on Tuesday, 21 November 2017

She was very dedicated to her charade—pretending to browse through before she stealthily (or so she thought) took two video games and placed it in her bag.

She even left the shop casually.

I am sorry; I found the whole video hilarious.

Image: giphy.com

Anyways…an anonymous source said that the alarm went off when she exited the shop but the staff was too busy with other customers.

“…and by the time they exited the store to follow the woman, they soon lost sight of her as she was walking very fast,” the source added.

Thankfully with social media and the theory of “six degrees of separation”, they managed to identify the woman through the help of other netizens when they posted the aforementioned video on Facebook.

One of the netizens shared the woman’s Facebook profile to Hong and his friends.

You might think: oh the story is over



Image: wattpad.tumblr.com

When they contacted her, they told her to pay for the games within three days or they would make a report.

If you ask me, they are too kind.

The woman made the payment on Nov 17 via bank transfer—$132.

Then she told them that it was not considered stealing since she paid for the games.

Image: .awesomelyluvvie.com




Like I said, they were too kind to her.

First of all, it looked like she was with a kid. I don’t know if it is her son or nephew but that is beside the point.

Kids tend to be quick learners (that is why I try not to curse when there are kids around), so I won’t be surprised if the kid picks up this illicit habit.

Secondly, she took not one but two video games.

Someone is too ambitious and greedy.

Thirdly, this is Singapore. There are cameras everywhere and “big brother” is watching.


Image: quoteshunter.com

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: stomp.straitstimes.com