Migrant Worker Charged for Killing Man With Wooden Plank Embedded With Nail in Woodlands

2022 started with a bang: for some, it meant having the fireworks “banging at their doorsteps” while for others, it meant learning about the death of a loved one.

For these two men, their fate changed drastically within the first hour of 2022.

Migrant Worker Charged for Killing Man With Wooden Plank Embedded With Nail in Woodlands

On 1 Jan 2022, 26-year-old Paneer Vetrivel got into a dispute with 37-year-old Rajendran Shanmugasundran around a dormitory in Woodlands Industrial Park.

As the argument become more heated, the 26-year old Indian national picked up a wooden plank embedded with nails and hit the 37-year-old in the head.

The fight happened near 20 Woodlands Industrial Park E1 between 1am to 1.25am.

At 1.25am, the police were alerted to the fight and found Mr Rajendran lying motionless on the ground when they’ve reached.

Mr Rajendran was unconscious when taken to the hospital, where he later died.


Mr Paneer was arrested and remanded for further investigations. Today (2 January 2022), he was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt by a dangerous weapon in a special sitting of Criminal Mentions Court.

His case is expected to come up in court again this Friday (7 Jan).

If convicted, Mr Paneer can be jailed for life and caned, or jailed for up to 15 years, caned and fined.

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Other Incidents This Year

Last year, there were various similar violent incidents that led to a death as well, and one of the incidents involved a couple living at Ang Mo Kio. After a violent dispute, both the man and woman were sent to the hospital.

The 51-year-old man passed away from his injuries and the woman was charged with murder. The woman was the man’s third partner from Vietnam as he had two wives before her.

Before the violent dispute, the couple were constantly fighting and quarrelling.

In another similar case that occurred on 13 July 2021, a man was arrested for stabbing a 46-year-old man to death in Punggol. When the police arrived, the 46-year was unconscious outside the unit, and was pronounced dead at the scene.

The suspected, who was arrested for murder, had multiple injuries on him as well. Both men knew each other.

During the dispute, loud banging and shouts from the unit could be heard in the afternoon.

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