Wall at Yew Tee MRT Station Suddenly Collapsed, Injuring a Passer-By

Yew Tee has long been known as one of the ghettos of Singapore, much like Yishun’s younger sibling.

We haven’t heard from Yew Tee in a while, but it’s about time Yew Tee started proving itself as a potential new Yishun.

A wall at Yew Tee MRT station suddenly collapsed, injuring a passer-by. Here’s what happened.

Wall At Yew Tee MRT Station Suddenly Collapses

On Christmas Day (25 Dec), a wall at The Food Inn at Yew Tee MRT station suddenly collapsed at 11:40 am.

Unfortunately, a middle-aged man was injured as a result of the collapsed wall.

Image: Lianhe Zaobao

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the space occupied by the eatery was originally occupied by a bank, and the collapsed exterior wall was where ATMs used to be. It is speculated that the wall collapsed due to the wall’s unstable structure.

Well, hopefully, the walls in our BTOs aren’t like that.

After the collapse, several police officers, TransCom police officers and MRT station staff rushed to cordon off the area for the public’s safety.

The entire outer wall had collapsed, and red bricks were all over the ground.

Image: Lianhe Zaobao

Quite a handful of passers-by were present at the scene, given that it was nearing lunchtime when the wall collapsed. And well, with how kaypoh Singaporeans are, you can bet that there will be a crowd standing by the side looking at the collapsed wall.

Renovation Works At The Eatery Began Just One Day Prior

The renovation contractor in charge of renovating The Food Inn shared that renovation works had just commenced on Saturday (24 Dec). Since renovation works began, safety barriers and sound barriers were put up in the area.

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After obtaining approval from the relevant authorities, workers had already begun installing cabinets and carrying out other works in the eatery’s kitchen.

Image: Michael Esesjay / Google Maps

Fortunately, the workers were having lunch when the incident happened, so no workers were injured.

Well, now that the wall has collapsed, at least it saves the workers some work of knocking down the wall.

The eatery’s menu has all sorts of food, from black pepper beef to chicken rice.

Middle-Aged Man Injured By Collapsed Wall

A middle-aged man was unfortunately injured by the collapse of the wall.

The eatery’s renovation contractor shared that the workers tried to help the injured man immediately after realising the wall had collapsed.

Another passer-by shared that after the wall collapsed, the injured man was sitting on the ground waiting for paramedics to attend to him.

With the number of elderly and young children in the area, it was fortunate that there was only one casualty. Well, I guess Yew Tee still has a long way to go before it can claim Yishun’s title.

The specific cause of the collapse remains unknown.

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Featured Image: Lianhe Zaobao