Someone Has Been Shooting at the Windows of a Few Yishun Flats With Metal Ball Bearings

There’s a deviant going around Yishun, because the police are investigating a series of complaints from Yishun block residents, who had their windows and furniture damaged by metal ball bearing shots.

Shots Have Been Fired Since June of Last Year

According to the victims’ testimonies, these incidents have been happening ever since June 2021 at least.

One of the residents of Block 348A Yishun Avenue 11, who prefers to be known as Ms Lou, told The Straits Times that her flat had also been targeted by 3cm ball bearings last year.

Image: (Shin Min Daily News 新明日报)

Ms Lou lives on the ninth floor with her husband and two sons.

She originally didn’t think much of the metal ball bearings when her neighbours told her about it last December, but when she checked the glass sliding doors leading to the balcony from her bedroom, she was mortified to find that there were two large dents.

Ms Lou said that it was concerning, because someone could have been hurt if they happened to be standing on the balcony. Ms Lou herself,often stands on the balcony to water her plants.

Besides herself, she knows of nine other neighbours who suffered damage in their glass doors and windows.

Shin Min Daily News did a similar piece regarding this case yesterday (18 Mar), wherein they interviewed another victim who was only named as Ms Xu.

According to Ms Xu’s account, she had just heard about such incidents taking place from her neighbours and fellow residents last December, when her own unit unexpectedly became one of the unfortunate victims as well.

From her own observations, the dent left behind by the ball had a diameter of half a centimetre, but the impact force made the sheeted glass fissure up to three centimetres wide, which strewed the broken fragments all over the floor.

Ms Xu promptly called the police, but when the police entered her house to investigate, they didn’t manage to find the “small metal bearings”.

Ms Xu’s next statement gives more credence to the fact that these incidents have occurred since June last year: “In truth, such things have been happening since last June, and [I] believe at least nine residents were affected.”

Another key insight that Ms Xu offers is that every time an accident occurs, it always happens during the school holidays, in either June, September, or December.

For the same reason, however, everyone living in the area is worried that their children at home might get hurt.

Other Reported Incidents

Another female resident who preferred to keep her anonymity divulged that when she was working from home last December, she heard a loud noise from the room she was in, which was followed by the same noise a few more times.

When she went to the balcony to check on the source of the commotion, she happened to see that her glass window had been shot through, thus leaving behind a “small metal bearing”.

She immediately called the police to deal with the situation.

Another 32-year-old female resident called Ms Zhong spoke out too, stating the windows to her home had been shot through four times in the past half-year, and she’s genuinely worried that the shots might hit her seven-year-old son.

Lastly, another resident from the neighbouring Block 347B told The Straits Times that her windows were likewise damaged by the ball bearings, but she didn’t go into further detail.

More Specificity into the Details

Apart from the fact that the incidents usually took place during the school holidays, it appears that the main targets of this deviancy are the private residences from the eighth to tenth floor in the Blocks 347A and 347B of Adora Green along Yishun Avenue 11.

When the Chinese reporters scouted out the site yesterday, they noted that these two HDB flats were facing the Blocks 323 and 324. Although the blocks are separated by a large canal, the distance between was less than 100 metres

Image: Google Earth

Investigations are Ongoing

Both the police and an MP for Nee Soon GRC Louis Ng have confirmed that investigations are currently ongoing.

Mr Ng said: “We are working closely with the police and will spare no effort to apprehend the culprit. Residents are also urged to report any incident immediately to the police.”

If anyone has any information to offer, they can call the police hotline 1800-255-000 or submit the information via this website.

The spokesman for Nee Soon Town Council also declared that they would be assisting the police, and its conservancy cleaning staff will be keeping a lookout for suspicious behaviour around the estate.

The spokesman also reminded all the residents not to commit such reprehensible actions that might bring physical harm to others.

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Acts of vandalism and property damage do have consequences after all.

In December 2020, a man was given 18 weeks of jail time and a $2,000 fine for using his metal airgun to shoot small metal bearings at nearby residential flats from his Jurong West home.

In that case alone, the Deputy Public Prosecutor in charge of the case noted that he had discharged more than 200 ball bearings.

In another incident in September 2020, a man was sent to jail for three weeks for using a wooden catapult to shoot some ball bearings from his Woodlands flat.

While it damaged two cars near an ongoing bridal party in 2017, no one was injured.

It’s not worth it to have a black stain on your record just for a moment of fun.

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