You Can Now Unsend WhatsApp Messages. Here’s What You Should Know

We have all made decisions that we regretted straight after.

Getting overwhelmed by stress and resorting to tubs of ice-cream to solve all our troubles.

Going for a boys’ night out, getting all wasted and waking up beside a girl who’s not quite a girl…

And of course, absent-mindedly commenting that your girlfriend’s new jeans make her look fat.

On WhatsApp.

Image result for oh he didn't just do that gif
Image: Then Comes Family

The next second, all hell breaks loose, and you’re left single, ready to mingle, and wishing you had just kept your fingers shut.

But it seems that WhatsApp has rectified this life-threatening flaw in their latest update.

You can now delete messages that were sent out.

Image: Imgflip

Correct, but that one was limited. It only deletes your reply on your smartphone, but leaves the reply on the others’ smartphones intact.

Yeah, in other words, it was pretty… erm… useless.

But it’s different now.

You can now really delete your message.

For real.

Only conditions? Both users must be using the updated Whatsapp versions, and you only have 7 minutes to delete your message before it stays there forever.

Let’s try it out:

I start by texting my best pal Jay Chou.

Yeah, people are surprised that Jay Chou is friends with me.

Every time we head out for dinner, people will be pointing at us and whispering, “Wow, that’s Zhi Hao and his friend!”

Guess that’s just how popz people roll. #ohstahpityouremakingmeblush

Anyway, like always, I start out with a cool, chic “Hey”. The number 1 fail-safe option in any conversation.

And here we start the deleting process. First, we press on the speech bubble. A series of options should appear. Tap the right arrow icon and you should see ‘Info’ and ‘Delete’.

Press ‘Delete’ and tap on the trash icon at the bottom left of the page.

You should see two options: ‘Delete for everyone’ and ‘Delete for me’.

Tap on ‘Delete for everyone’.

Once you delete your message, a ‘You deleted this message’ speech bubble will pop up in its place. This is kinda troublesome in my opinion, because the other party will start overthinking and boom, relationship’s over anyway.

But it’s still better than having your girlfriend read “Hey, you whiny little bitch”. Probably?

So folks

Just let all your pent-up rage loose.

Got a bone to pick with your boss? Text him.

Hate your only sister’s dad’s only son? Tell him.

Always thought your girlfriend’s jeans made her look fat? Tell her. If you’re brave enough.

Just make sure that the opposite party has the latest updated Whatsapp version, is not online at the time, and you delete it within 7 minutes. Remember, 7’s the magical number.

So go on and have some fun!

Image: Imgflip

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