Jesseca Liu’s & Jeremy Chan’s Wedding Photos & Video Are So Gorgeous, You Won’t Want Your GF to See


In case you weren’t aware, Jesseca Liu and Jeremy Chan share a relationship that might just put some of your favourite Korean couples to shame.

If you don’t believe it, you can check it out here.

Anyways, their wedding photographer, Skyy Woo, has recently released a series of never-before-seen photos, and I just felt:

Damn, even their marriage looks like something out of a Korean drama.

And I thought, “Well, these shots might not deserve a Nobel prize, but I can kind of understand why my boss tasked me to write an article about it.”

So here you go. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: the descriptions might get a bit… cancerous, so turn a blind eye to them if you suffer from EOS (easily offended syndrome).

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

I know Jesseca’s slightly taller than Jeremy.

But this shot makes her look like a practical giantess.

Can’t fault them on the beauty points though.

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

A back shot of Jesseca’s elegant, flowing wedding dress, and the scenic view to complement her natural beauty?

That, ladies and gentlemen, is class.

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

I can just imagine Jeremy’s Instagram caption.

#withmywife #colours #mmshesmellsnice #isthataloevera #ohwtf #isthatearwax #gottokeepsmiling #forthecamera

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

“Say cheese!”


Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Absolutely gorgeous.

If I was there I would probably be the tree.


Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

*Cue emotional Korean drama OST*

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

“Hey, Jeremy, you wanna stand in front?”


“Nah, I’m fine at the back. I don’t know why but I feel like you might just push me off the cliff if I stood in front.”

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“Just saying how beautiful you look from the back.”

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Can I photoshop my face in and post it on my own account? I don’t mind being the door.

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Jesseca, you just reminded each and everyone of us Singaporean guys why you’re our first love when we were growing up.

Aside from Jeanette Aw, Felicia Chin, Joanne Peh and Ann Kok.

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Damn girl, you’re looking as fine as that pink frosted sprinkled donut.

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

“Say cheese!”

“Don’t want to.”

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Jeremy’s Instagram caption would probably be:

Photoshoot today. Shag. Had to contend with earwax too. Worst day of my life. At least I look like David Beckham here. #positivemindset



JessecaLiu: Really, dear? Omg, I’m so sorry; maybe we should have just kept it simple!

Jeremy99: Oh shit I forgot you’re following me. I mean; it’s fine, dear!

JessecaLiu: Thank you; I knew you would understand. By the way, what’s with the earwax?

Jeremy99: Oh, just saw a big chunk of it today. But it’s ok; I think it’s been scraped off.

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

#anotherangle #howlongdowehavetowalk #imgettingtired #dammitjess #ithoughtyouwenttothetoilettocleanoffthatearwax #whyisitstillthere #itsokjeremy #forthecamera

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Jesseca’s instagram caption would probably be:

Side by side with nature, colours and the love of my life. What more could I ask for? #feelingblessed



Jeremy99 : Jess, take down the photo!

Jesseca : Why, dear?

Jeremy99: Coz of your damn earwax! We can see it!

Image: Skyy Woo Photography Facebook Page

Jeremy Chan, you lucky son of a gun.

But wait; we are not done yet.

For there’s a wedding video that not only encapsulated the visual elements of the shoot, but also presented a more tender, personal side of their story.

I like how they roped in the natives in the middle of the video.

Aside from incorporating a local flavour, it also diversified the existing elements in the film.

Nice touch, golden couple.

All in all, you’re a great pair, and we at Goody Feed wish you guys all the best!

So just work at producing that Jeremy Chan Jr. 😉

We’ll be waiting!

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This article was first published on

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Featured Image: YouTube (herworld brides)