PUB Promised Better Drainage System to Prevent Yesterday’s Flood, But Only by 2019


The situation will be improved, they said.

The drains will be able to discharge more water, they said.

The works will be completed by 2019, they said.


2019? Does that mean that we still have to tahan at least another flood before the situation improves?

Oh well. Can’t be helped, right? Just like the works to fix the issues with our MRT’s signalling system, projects like these do require some time.

“You can be very sure that when drainage improvement works are completed, the situation will definitely be improved,” said the director of PUB’s Catchment and Waterways Department, Mr Yeo Keng Soon.

“The drains will be able to discharge more water in a shorter period of time,” Mr Yeo added. “Whether an area will be flood-free, we cannot promise that.”


Umm yeah. Of course, we understand. No guarantees, right?

According to Mr Yeo, the drains were actually running at 100% efficiency and there were no obstructions in the drains either.

“The drains were serving their intended purpose and function this morning,” said Mr Yeo. “But based on that kind of rainfall, it overwhelmed our drain design capacity.”

TLDR; the flood too powderful, our drains tak boleh tahan.

The National Environmental Agency also stepped in to talk about the situation. Apparently, the heavy rain was due to the prevailing northeast monsoon. It was further aggravated by the development of a Sumatra Squall.

In short, lots and lots of rain lor.

And it’s not helping that the rain happened in the morning when there’s a mid tide, since it is possible for seawater to flow into the canals when tide level is high.

Hence, I believe it’s not too much for us to say that this is the last straw which broke the camel’s back. With this much water, it’s no surprise that the canal systems are unable to handle the load.

Whatever the case, I’m glad that PUB is doing something about it. Let’s just hope that we won’t have such issues anymore in 2019!


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