This Funny Video Really Drives The Point Home About Strawberry-Generation Kids


We’ve written a lot of articles about the strawberry generation: from this to this to this to this to this to this to this.

I guess we’ve driven the point home about how serious this phenomenon is—even in work, we’ve faced so many people from the strawberry generation who have such a strong sense of entitlement that we just decide to ignore them altogether.

And of course, there’s the durian generation—a group of self-entitled kids who use their parents as a shield.


In case you’re not aware, the term “strawberry generation” is not coined entirely due to the softness of the fruit strawberry (after all, there’re softer fruits out there).

The term “strawberry” in this context refers to how strawberries are developed: they are often grown in greenhouses, a well-protected structure to facilitate growth, and are usually priced higher than other fruits. This is much like those strawberry generation kids: well sheltered and protected by its owner parents, and commanding a self-proclaimed “higher price” than others.

Here’s the video, and what’s interesting is not the first part, but the ending—because a strawberry can’t be a strawberry if it isn’t housed in a greenhouse by its owner, eh?

Featured Image: Facebook (Playtv)

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