10 Facts About The Floods That Happened Yesterday You Need To Know

I am sure y’all all know what happened yesterday.

A pretty interesting start to a week, but not exactly the most pleasant.

If you had the luxury to sleep till noon and have no idea what happened, there was some “ponding” going on.

Image:SG Road Blocks / Telegram
Image: Steven Ramesh/Facebook

Flood at Bedok North

FLOODS IN EASTERN SINGAPORE: The situation at Bedok North Avenue 4 after a heavy downpour this morning. #SGFlood(Video: Lim Peng Huat, Watson Wong)

Posted by Channel NewsAsia on Sunday, 7 January 2018

Here’s what you should know, if not you’ll be a blur sotong when people bring this up again.

1.What time did it start?

The first flood was reported at 8.30am, according to The New Paper.

Not the best thing to encounter during Monday peak hour eh?

Channel NewsAsia says that the floods lasted from 20 minutes to an hour.

2.Where were the floods?

The floods hit 9 areas in total.

Here’s a map that shows where and why:

Image: channelnewsasia.com

3.What’s the primary cause of the floods?

According to The Straits Times, the areas affected were low-lying grounds with drainage works in progress, except for Tampines Ave 12.

4.So…it’s the drains’ fault?

Well…not exactly.

According to PUB’s director of catchment and waterways Yeo Keng Soon, the drains were working just fine as the water subsided.

He said that the flood was caused by the heavy rainfall.

5.So is it going to happen again?

The drainage works will only be completed in Mar 2019…so we shall see in monsoon season 2019 then.

The construction is supposed to help the drains to “discharge water faster”.

6.Anyone else to blame?

Technically, the main culprit would be the rain right?

Investigations found out that the floods were mostly caused by heavy rain coupled with the Sumatra squall developed over the Strait of Malacca.

The wind blew eastwards, hence bringing the rain to our sunny(?) island.

7.Ok, I’ve seen the pics. But how bad was it exactly?

The rain gauge at Kim Chuan Road recorded a whopping 118.mm of rain in just over 4 hours.

That’s approximately half of our average monthly rainfall for January.

So you tell me.

8.Are we expecting more to come?

Rain wise, yes.

NEA says that the monsoon season is expected to continue for the first 2 weeks of January.

Flood wise … I don’t know leh. I only know how to write articles, don’t know how to predict this kind of stuff.

Image: Giphy

9. Then how did the people affected ‘survive’?

I’m not sure what kind of curse words were flying across the minds of those caught in the situation but 30 SCDF officers were engaged to help direct traffic and those trapped in the waters.

Image: channlnewsasia.com

10.So only east-siders got affected lah?

No leh, LTA reported accidents on PIE, KPE, TPE and Dunearn Road.

Basically, there’s no way you can siam from the effects of the monsoon season.

So here’s a breakdown of our current traffic situation:

Bus? Too packed cannot board, also don’t come on time.

MRT? Breakdown lah.

Taxi/Uber/Grab/Car? Flood…

Now cannot blame anyone lorh.

Image: Tenor GIF Keyboard

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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